"I tell you one time, now you shut up. You be quiet. Because you are this close to being uninvited to the orgy."

"Zeus! We must do something!" Thor yelled at him as the gods around gasped.

"You can not come to the orgy!"

"You have to listen to us!"

"That's it! Shackle!" Zeus yelled as lightning come out of his hands and straight to Thor, tying them around his wrists.

"Valkyrie whenever you're ready you just tell me." You say to her starting to become slightly panicked.

"We go on my signal." She told you.

"What is the signal?" Korg asked.

"It will be go" Val replied to him.


"Let's see who you are. I take off your disguise. And flick!" Zeus flicked his hands as the disguise came off of Thor.

Well...not just his disguise...

You watched as the people around Zeus fainted as you groaned as your hands fell into your hands.

"You flicked too hard damn it!"

"Should we help him?" Jane asked.

"Yeah eventually. Grape?" Jane asked holding out a bag of grapes to you and jane.

"Mmm looks like a shy courgette" Korg said staring at Thor.

"And what about the others? We take off their disguises too." Zeus said pointing at you guys.

You quickly stood up and grabbed the tie that held together the cloak and threw it over your head.

"Disguise gone!"

"Asgardians...I thought we'd seen the last of you when Odin died." Zeus said as Thor looked over to you.

"You, are Thor, the god of thunder. But is not thunder just the sound of lightning?" He said as the gods all laughed.

"Zeus this is bigger than us. He's taken the Asgardian children."

"Who do you think we are? The god police? Every god watches over their own people. Nothing more, nothing less. Asgardian problems...are Asgardian problems. Hm?"

"How the mighty have fallen. My hero, Zeus, afraid." Thor fired back as everyone gasped.

Zeus looked at him for a moment before walking, grabbing his skirt, and walking down a few steps before approaching Thor.

You watched as the gods talked to each other. Keeping their conversation quiet so nobody hears it.

"NOW I PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON! FLICK FLICK! For this is the golden temple" Zeus shouted as the cloak came back onto Thor wrapping around him. "It's not a Rudie nudie Festival."

The two gods quieted down again talking to each other.

"Thunderbolt!!!!" Zeus yelled as thunderbolt came to his hand. The gods around started cheering as Zeus did tricks with the weapon before throwing it into its place.

"No!" He told Thor as the gods started laughing. "Do not worry! The god butcher, he will not reach eternity!"

"What does he mean by reach eternity? You asked Valkyrie.

"Ohhh, shit. Eternity is a very powerful being at the Center of the universe. It will grant the desire of the first person who reaches it." Valkyrie explained,

"So it's like a wishing well?" Jane asked,

Valkyrie sighed "what do you think a guy called the god butcher would wish for?" Valkyrie said.

"Maybe we have lost our way!" Thor shouted. "You know what we'll stop him ourselves."

"I am afraid I can not allow that. This is a secret place. Known only to the gods. You know where we are. The god butcher could use you to find us. This is no good. So now, you must stay. GUARDS!"

"Hey! Can we do my plan now?!" Valkyrie shouted at Thor as the guards started approaching.

"Yes! Rash his bum!"

"Hell yeah!" Jane shouted as she threw Mjolnir.

You Sprung up from your seat and quickly flew up. You grabbed a few guards that were running down the stairs and onto the stage and threw them up then down onto the floor before landing next to Thor, sending a few flying from around you two.

The other three quickly got onto the stage as you guys started fighting the guards, golden blood started splattering all over you as pieces of Mjolnir went through the guards around you.

"Y/n duck!" Korg yelled as you ducked, his laser gun flew over you and it hit the guards behind you.

You quickly looked at korg just as thunderbolt shot through him.

"Korg!" Thor yelled.

"Thor! I'm perishing!" He said stumbling before falling into a pile of rocks.

You watched as Zeus threw thunderbolt over to Thor to hit him with it, but instead, Thor grabbed it, blue lighting started coursing through it as Thor threw it back at Zeus, the thunderbolt ripping through Zeus' chest.

"That's the sound of lighting" Thor mumbled to himself as he ran over to you, who was kneeling next to the pile of rocks.

"No y/n, I'm here"

"Where?!" You asked before you spotted Korg's face, grabbing it.

"Oh my god yes! You're alive!" Thor said relieved as you passed korg over into thors hands.

"Turns out the only part of a kronan that's alive is his mouth," Korg told Thor as you both stood up.

"Korgi listen, I need you to call the goats."

"I'll do my best"

"Guard him with your life," he said to Valkyrie as she ran over.

"I will" you heard her say before you went back into battle.

You ran over and grabbed a guard by his chest plate, lifting him up into the air, then with all your force, slamming him onto the ground, him bursting into glittering pieces.

You heard korg finally get the whistle right, and from the distance, you began to hear those awfully loud goats coming your way. Before they smashed through the main window of the temple.

Valkyrie quickly jumped up onto the platform Zeus had been on and grabbed thunderbolt. You, Thor, and Jane flew up into the moving ship, and Valkyrie joined you as she jumped down from the platform.

Thor quickly ran over to Stormbreaker and transformed back into his suit as you used your magic to get rid of the blood that covered you everywhere.

A golden sun | Thor x readerWhere stories live. Discover now