I never ageee

16 1 2

August 28, 2010; Saturday; 10:00pm

Harper Hotel

Richard went downstairs and finally reached the lobby of the hotel . He looked around for the sign where the party was being held. The party was being held at garden be-hide the hotel

When he entered the room and saw sofas and couches for people to sit on. There was a stage in the middle, two people were singing on it and there was a small crowd huddled around the stage.

Fezzes people actually like to sing said Richard don't get me wrong I have good voice but I wouldn't sing he said to himself.

He went to the big buffet table, took a plate, and grabbed cheese sticks, a club sandwich, and cookies.
A girl with blond hair and blue eyes and wearing too much makeup for her age and wearing tight pink pink dress for my liking what is this Barbie in the dream world said Richard

Hey dicki pooo you're kitten is here

Richard grimaced. "Not interested." He walked away with his food away from her .

Kori pov
Once's I step into the garden everyone stop what they were doing and stare at me. I don't know why was it there something on my face
Omg where's a mirror
Oof there wasn't nothing
Someone walk to me Hey, cutie."

Kori jumped in surprised and let go of her purse  which almost fell to the ground. But the boy who scared her caught before it reached the ground.

She turned around and saw a boy with red, medium long hair, and red eyes to match. He was wearing a black collared shirt and dark blue jeans. It was obvious that he was good looking, but Kori was, again, oblivious to that fact.

"Um, thanks," she mumbled

The name's Xavier. Xavier Red," he held his hand out.

I don't remember asking you're name kori replied  walks away.

All right," the male MC said. "Give it up for Mark and Lucy!" The crowd cheered for them.

"So, who's going to be the next lucky two! Drum roll please!"

There was a drum roll and there were two spotlights going everywhere to point at the 'lucky person.'

The spotlight pointed at Richard on the other side of the stage and at Kori on the swings.

"Come on up!"

Richard groaned. "No freaking way."

"Come on, dude!"

"Yeah, get up there!"

"Don't be a coward!"

The other guys were encouraging him to go up. But when that one guy said 'coward.' That just did it. We'll see who's a coward. He didn't like anyone calling him a coward.

On the other side of the stage, the MC was calling her.

"Get up here, pretty girl!"

"But, I can't sing," Kori replied.

The MC rolled his eyes. "Everyone who came up here couldn't sing. Just have fun."

She sighed heavily and walked on the stage.

Richard and Kori stood side by side on the stage and the crowd cheered.

Richard looked beside him and his eyes widened when he saw her. His eyes wandered over her, she was just as tall as he was. He looked at her legs, smooth and long. Her skin was flawless and looked soft to touch. Her curled hair was gently leaning on her shoulders. He looked at her face and realized that she was beautiful. Her green eyes darted around the garden, and she was biting her soft, natural red-pink lips. He noticed that she didn't wear make-up. He looked down to see her fingers fidgeting around the edge of her dress.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the MC.

"Someday you two might thank me for this," he chuckled. "Or not."

The lights dimmed and a piano was entering the song.

The lyrics said "Boy" and Richard realized that he was going to start it off. The words started to form, he took a deep breath and he sang:

Feeling used, but I'm still missing you
And I can't see the end of this
Just wanna feel your kiss against my lips
And now all this time is passing by
But I still can't seem to tell you why
It hurts me every time I see you
Realize how much I need you

Kori turn
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put nobody else above you
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her

Richard turn
What about all the times
You would pick me up and we'd just drive
Around until we found a place to stay and waste the day away
We'd do nothing but it was okay with me
You say it's not good to spend all my time
Thinking about you so late at night
But I can't stop once I start it's like an avalanche
Thoughts coming and I just wanna hold your hand
Hold your breath, I'm going under
Not coming up 'til this night is over
Until this night is over

Kori :
All alone, I watch you watch her
Like she's the only girl you've ever seen
You don't care, you never did
You don't give a damn about me
Yeah, all alone, I watch you watch her
She is the only thing you ever see
How is it you never notice that you are slowly killing me


... I hate you, I love you
I hate that I love you
Don't want to, but I can't put nobody else above you
I hate you, I love you
I hate that I want you
You want her, you need her
And I'll never be her

The crowd erupted with a cheer. There were whistles and whoo's. Richard turned to the girl and grinned.

"Richard Grayson." He held his hand out.

She took it. "Kori Anders." She grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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