Let Me Play in Peace

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He wanted to drink water.

That was his only desire in Honnōji Academy.

Drink water, get back to class, learn, and play his electric guitar slash keytar hybrid.

Yet he's here in this predicament, face to face with a school delinquent who wielded a small shirt in his hands, quickly pulling it onto his body.

But Y/n knew it wasn't any ordinary uniform.

Why would a student be running from the Student Council Committee with a uniform?

...Because inside, it wielded power.

Unimaginable power any pig in school would die to wear.

A Goku Uniform, a print of a star smack middle as our protagonist would only sigh to find himself in a soon-to-be-fight for confronting the ruthless student.

"...Why can't I spend a week in school without anybody trying to fight me?"

The boy would swing something from around his body, an instrument aforementioned strapped to him as he gets into a comfortable stance while adjusting his grip of his electric guitar. He takes a deep breath in as he raises a pick into the air.


The sound was eerie but enough for the boy to activate his power, dark wings sprouts from his back and eyes glowed white as his teeth grinds each other in anger. His opponent would charge at Y/n only for him to jump and fly into the air.

His wings flapped slowly for its huge size, "What should I use today? Demons? Shadows? Daggers? I should use something that won't damage the uniform..."


With a snap of his fingers, Y/n knows what he could use.


With another strum, in the middle of his back, a barrage of tentacles rises from him. He stared down at the delinquent that glared at him from the courtyard as he jumps for the h/c.


This time, he performs a series of notes from his instrument. It sways and swirled around as Y/n continues to focus on making an imaginary piece in his mind so his attacks do not slow.


One hit after another, the troublesome student did not stand a chance. Despite not wielding a Goku Uniform himself, his shadowy tentacles does their best to grapple, thwack, and slap the student while trying to put him into submission.

Only, the student eventually managed to dodge and evade as he'd go for a punch or two at the musician. It was getting to Y/n as he'd jump towards the h/c one last time and nail him straight to his jaw.

He flies back before his wings helped him from gaining anymore distance and find that his eyes were shrunk into angry sanpakus. He'd wipe the blood from his chin while growling loudly.

"This guy is really pissing me off!" He yells before charging at the delinquent and tracking another punch from him. He times it right before,


He spins away and grabs him from the back of his collared uniform. He'd do a front flip and throw him down to the ground.


It took awhile before he hits the pavement and a large crater was formed into the ground. Y/n took the opportunity to curb stomp him from where he floated but missed thanks to the power the Goku Uniform it possessed.

Y/n then plays another series of notes that were more violent than the last as the tentacles flew from his back and sped at lightning speed.

This time his hits connects and dealt more damage to the asshole than before.

One by one, the next attack was stronger than the last as Y/n wasn't pulling back anything this time. His shadow tentacles doesn't stop until one decided to go for a grapple and finally catches the delinquent by his waist.

Two more appear in front of them and before he knew it was stripped clean from the Goku Uniform, leaving him in nothing but... just his skin.

But his shame was seen nowhere as his dignity was thrown out the window and only focused at his powers that were stripped away from him.

"My uni-"


Suddenly, he gets hit into the air.

That was Y/n, swinging from the ground up was his guitar as the boy watches the bad kid fly straight up before falling down to him.

His e/c eyes tracked down the student as he swings his guitar in his hands and gripped the neck of it tightly.



One final hit before being knocked out. With a baseball swing, the student goes flying into a concrete wall that stood what looked like a mile from their starting vantage. The thick wall cracked and another crater was formed as the boy was dazed and out at this point.

Y/n just stood there, throwing the guitar hybrid onto his shoulder and hmph'd at the boy. 

"It was either you or me... and trust me, if you didn't attack me, I would've let you go..."


"...Probably..." Y/n said before glancing up at the sky to find that his tentacles from his back were frozen in place.

One of them wielded a few familiar pieces of cloths, Y/n uses his pick to control it as best as he could as it slowly comes down to the musician.

When it finally reaches him, he takes his hand out to the uniform and inspects it a bit. A frown forms on his face.

"Fucking hell..." he whispers when he sees some noticeable damages to the jacket and pants. Holes, scratches, stains, it was definitely dirty and improper.

He huffs a breath, "Perhaps she'll give mercy to me... It was either me or him... and there was no way in hell am I getting beat by a peasant... I'm a fucking god..." Y/n said before being surrounded by a large number of students.

...The Student Committee...

"You have something that belongs to us..."

"I know..." the boy replies before folding the uniform up and hands it over to one of the three starred students. "Sorry for damaging the uniform... I tried but he was getting on my nerves... You can punish me later... The culprit is way, way the fuck down there..." Y/n says as he swings his hybrid instrument to his back and takes his leave.

"Lady Satsuki wants you..."

Y/n stops and turns back to them.


"She won't tell us why..." they said before the h/c sighs.


"After school... right after they punish him..."

They point at the unconscious student from afar that was lodged into the wall as Y/n clicks his tongue and nods softly.

"...Fine..." Y/n replies before taking his leave and heading back to class.

Yandere Honnōji Academy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now