Transfer Student

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Let's start this chapter a little different than any Rugged Noodle's fan fiction.

Yup, I'm breaking the fourth wall and it's written in my point of view.

Why you may ask?

Because I feel like this is where I want to chip in and introduce myself in this story.

You know me, we all do.

I am you and you are me.

That means I have the same h/c h/s as you, the same e/c eyes, s/c skin, you name it. I attend Honnōji Academy as a second year, and...

...Not a lot... The only thing interesting about me or I like to do is watch anime and play or listen to music.

Pretty basic, I could be living a normal life like everyone else if it weren't for a certain guitar that barged into my life.

Did I also mention he was a devil?

Lucifer, that's his name. One of the few devils to serve by Satan.

I know, I thought Lucifer was Satan himself but apparently we were all wrong in this book. I don't read the Bible but if that's what Lucifer says, I guess it's true.

I mean, who would you trust?

An entity from the Netherworld or a priest? Obviously Lucifer, I don't trust a single bone of myself with those "holy" people in their churches. They only do this for the money... and for the kids.

And it ain't good for the kids.


In comes a girl screaming for Y/n's- I mean my name. Her voice was very familiar to me, I turned around where I stood on campus and saw a girl sprinting towards me. In that instant, I knew who it was by her short ginger hair and the white sailor uniform.


"Be careful before she tackles you..."

"I'm fully aware..." I replied before watching Mako dive to me with a large smile on her face. All I had to do was reach my hand out to her and sure enough, her face lands in my palm. Her body was stiff, frozen at first before it went limp as I took the opportunity to drop her to her feet.

Once that was done, she pulled me into a very powerful hug.

"How is your morning?"

"Not that well..." I replied with a look of disgust.

"Eh? What happened?"

"...I have detention today..."


"Yup... Lady Satsuki told me I have detention for seven hours because I was fighting the student from yesterday..."


"Yeah... I'm trying to figure out why she punishes people for fighting if that's all we do-"

"I'm sorry to hear that!" Mako interrupts me with a hint of remorse on her face.

She then reaches into the back of her pocket before she hands me a small box. "Here! If it makes you feel any better, I'll give you a bento!"

"Bento? Then you don't have anything to eat..."

"It's fine, Y/n! My mom made too much so she packed two!"

"Oh... Thanks..." I take it and opened it in front of her. And to no surprise, "Croquettes again?"


"With the mystery ingredients?"

"Mom makes the best mysterious croquettes in Japan!"

Yandere Honnōji Academy x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें