Doppelganger in the Mirror

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Beginning notes:

(Yes, this is cross-posted from ao3 which is why all the tags are so weird lmao)

I tried to portray Yellow Guy's autism and brain fog as accurately as possible, but since I have neither of these, I know I probably left some things out or got some things wrong-

I did as much research as I could on both of these, but, as I said, I probably missed some things, so I apologize for that-

Also, this is set between Episode 1 and 2 of Season 2, and the characters are just referred to as Red, Duck, and Yellow for writing convenience.

Besides that, I hope you guys enjoy!

It was hard to think.

It had been hard to think for a while, actually.

Distant wisps of memory told of times when his thoughts had more clarity; where they didn't disappear into the fog inside his brain the moment he thought of them. It sounded like a good time to Yellow, and then the wisps were swirled away into the murkiness, giving him no time to try and grab them back and touch upon those reminiscent memories.

It's not like he would try to get them back, anyway. He'd learned his attempts to retrieve anything from the fog were fruitless and just wasted time and energy.

Often, the brain fog allowed him a one-track mind and nothing more. This meant he couldn't hold a conversation while eating at the same time, because he'd just forget what the conversation was about, and Duck would always get angry at him for that. He didn't like making Duck angry, so he'd just finish the conversation first and eat his food afterwards, even if the other two were already done and were already moving away from the table to the TV room.

He didn't like being alone, but he never told them that. It wouldn't matter much to them anyways.

Somehow, he found himself in that exact situation: sitting at the table, alone, with a bowl of half-finished corn flakes drenched in milk in front of him. Well, best to start eating, then.

After he was done, he followed his regular path to the TV room, where Duck and Red were watching Grolton & Horvis. Or was it Horvis & Grolton? Wasn't Grolton the dog and Horvis the man?

Agh, his brain hurt. The thoughts were quickly swished away, allowing Yellow just the tiniest bit more clarity of mind without all those extra thoughts clouding his head.

He continued on, about to leave the kitchen and walk through the doorway to the TV room, when a noise from behind suddenly caught his attention. He turned around, a bit surprised, and saw the noise had come from a figure standing in a mirror that was in a small section off the kitchen.

Odd. He'd never noticed it before.

As he walked closer to the mirror, he saw something strange. The mirror was completely black, except for a figure, just like him, standing there and giving him a curious look. Once he reached it, the person inside the mirror placed a hand on the surface, and he did the same.

They both pulled back, and it was then that Yellow noticed the dissimilarities between them. This Yellow had neat and tidy hair, less Band-Aids, and sharp, piercing green eyes. Their eyes were calculating, but they weren't hostile or wary. They almost looked... hopeful.

"ɔɐn ʎon ɥǝɐɹ ɯǝ?" The other Yellow asked, tilting their head.

Yellow's face scrunched up slightly at the foreign sounds coming from the mirror, before he asked, "Can--can you... uh..."

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