Praise On Someone Else

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She could still remember how her hands trembled as she wrote that message. She didn't want to accept the reason for those involuntary movements her body was making. She was shy, yes, but not so shy as to be nervous about sending a message. She had to start to get used to the idea that she was the leader of a group now and it was normal to send messages to the members of her group. There was no need to get so nervous, right?

It had been almost half an hour since that message had been seen and Yuqi still hadn't shown up at the studio. Soyeon had already changed the song about four times in that time. She looked at the time on her phone again. 22:00h. That wasn't how she supposed people would spend a Friday night, but regardless, she knew there was nothing else she'd rather be doing. Not for now...

The korean began to grow impatient as the minutes ticked by. Actually, Yuqi had never replied to her message. Perhaps, she had just read it and decided to ignore it. She was her leader, yes, but it was a Friday night. No leader would ask that of a member, would they?

Nerves grew in her at the thought of Yuqi deliberately deciding to avoid her. Could she have noticed? No, it was impossible, Soyeon was very discreet, she couldn't have noticed. But, if the chinese didn't find out, why had she decided not to come? She should have asked Minnie. She knew the thai was a better choice, but she wanted to take advantage of any excuse to be able to see the younger again.

Thoughts raced through her mind causing Soyeon to fall into an ever-growing pit of anguish. However, the sudden movement of the door brought her back to reality. Through it, she saw the figure of the chinese with a smiling expression on her face enter the studio with two bags.

She advanced to the desk and put the bags down as best she could. Soyeon just looked her up and down without saying anything as she waited for her to speak. She had already made up her mind that she wasn't coming, so seeing her there was surprising her more than it should have.

Yuqi continued with what she was doing by taking small cardboard boxes out of the bags and tidying up the table a bit to get more space for things. When she finished, she picked up one of the boxes and held it out to Soyeon along with a couple of chopsticks.

﹣I figured, if you were here at this hour, you probably hadn't had dinner. So I stopped by to pick up some dinner for both of us. Sorry, I'm a little late. - Yuqi said as she slowly lowered her head.

Soyeon took the food in her hands and stared perplexedly at the younger. Even she hadn't noticed that she hadn't eaten dinner, it used to happen to her several times already. But, she had never thought that Yuqi had noticed that, let alone do anything to prevent it.

﹣Thank you. - murmured the older shyly as they both opened their respective meals.

﹣Ah, I remembered to order it without vegetables, so you don't have to keep removing them. - Yuqi added, smiling at the korean again. - If you want, I can look at the lyrics while we eat.

Soyeon contacted Yuqi to help her with one of her lyrics. The leader liked to write and could completely forget about the world when she did it, just like when she composed. Likewise, she also knew how good she was at it, she could see it in the reactions of others. And in this case, it was no different. That afternoon she hadn't gone into that studio to make a new song, but inspiration had come to her.

The problem was that she had written a song entirely in English. Something she was lacking in. She had the level to be able to introduce certain words or small phrases in her songs, but she had just come out of her mind with lyrics completely in English. She didn't even know how that had happened.

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