Chapter ten

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OUR SLEEPOVER WAS FILLED WITH LIFE. All of our maids got involved, we were painting each-others nails, doing each-others hair it was amazing, we all got into our best nightgowns, we even lent some to the maids so they could get involved. It was a whale of fun. For once, I felt like I had real friends.  I didn't care that we were in competition, I felt like I couldn't compete with these girls. I would miss them too much, and feel too bad. "Oh my god we should play truth or dare!" Marlee says and we all sit on the floor in a circle. I grab my brush pot and empty it to make a spin the bottle situation. "Okay ready?" I say spinning the bottle, it lands on Anne, one of America's maids. "Okay Anne truth or dare." I say and she thinks. "Dare." She says and we all start to whisper. "Why don't we make her bring her favourite guard to join us? We can see who she likes." Marlee suggests and America nods, Lucy and Mary giggle, they know her better than me.  "Okay we got one!" I say before looking at America to tell her. "We dare you to find the best guard and invite him to join us!" America says and Anne blushes. "Oh god that's a good one!" She says getting up and heading to the door, where she opens it to Celeste and her maids. We all go silent. "Lady Celeste!" Anne says looking back at me. "Celeste you came!" I said getting up to greet her. "Yeah, I wanted to make sure none of you were making tactics without me." She says trying to sound unbothered.  "Come sit we're playing truth or dare!" I say as we all shift over to make room for her and her maids. Her maids look bruised but they instantly sit with their maid friends and start chit chatting. "Oh my god look guys!" Lucy says pointing at the window and we see Maxon outside with his Camera.

We all clamour to the window before giving him a wolf whistle. He looks up alarmed and when he sees us he smiles. "What do you ladies think your doing up?" He yells up at us, face sparkling. "Come join us!" I yell and he nods before running inside. "Oh my god the Prince is joining our sleepover!" Marlee exclaims and all of the maids get up. "We should get to work." Nicole whispers to me. "No chance! Your one of us who cares if he sees you not working, your with us!" I say and she smiles nervously. I hear a knock on the door and I go to open it and I'm greeted by the flash of a camera. "Oh!" I say startled, I wasn't expecting that. "Couldn't help myself." He says entering the room. The rooms were big but not big enough for all of us, four Selected with three maids each. That's 17 of us including the prince. "Having a party I see?" He says amused. "Oh no, just a little get together, it can be if you can grab any fancy drinks from your fancy kitchen!" I say wistfully, trying to bat my eyelashes, getting a laugh from Marlee. "I'll see what I can do." He winks before exiting the room. "Now this is a party!" Celeste says as soon as he leaves. "Thank god I've been wanting a proper party, dinner parties are not it." I say and America nods. "The fives have the best parties." She says and I nod. "I've been to a few five parties, there always amazing." Marlee says. Celeste has been quiet. "What's two parties like?" I say and she shrugs. "Boring, all rich men trying to get richer and rich woman just looking pretty. I used to have some parties with my model friends they were fun, mostly rich guys who wanted a good time showed up." She says frowning. "We'll show you a real good time." I say winking as Maxon renters with a few bottles under his arms. "Only the best for my best girls!" He says placing them all on the bed. "We knew that you were useful to invite!" I say patting him on the back and he smiled. "I found him!" Anne says bursting through the doors with a guard. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees the Prince.

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