Assassin's class

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Meanwhile at College*

Croco: You have the new class too?

Maisie: Yeah, it's called the assassin class

Jenny- Oh no...... Please don't make me psycho killer

Jimmy: You have the class too?

Maisie: It better not be my dad signing me up to be an assassin like him.

They see a new vice principal

Tito: We have a new vice principal?

Jenny- huh ?

Night thug: Who is he?

Jenny looks.

Jenny- I'm ... You mean she ?

Night thug: Oh. My bad.

They look and see a young and attractive anime woman similar to Principal Jill Konia , she has slightly wavy butter blonde hair , teal eyes , and wears a white skirt suit with high heeled sandals

Her name is Irina Jelavic

Tito: Ai ai ai

She blushed

Snips: Hi there.

Irina- Hm ?

Maisie: Are you our new vice principal?

Irina looks

Irina- Yes I am. I'm Ms. Irina Jelavich

Grimskull: We were hoping you can help us where the Assassin class is.

Irina- Oh not that class.... Fine. Sure

They followed her*

Irina opens the door

Irina- Well here we are

They went in*

Krunch: Kinda quiet.

Jenny- I dont like this

Pipsy: Me too.

Jenny- I don't want to be like Afton or Vanny

Tito: I wonder who our teacher is?

They look

??: Hello new students.

They look

A mutant octopus and wears a teacher robe and has a graduation and he has a yellow emoji smiley face appears*

Maisie: Who are you?

Muskrat - Yikes !

Jenny- What is this the Emoji movie ?

Tito looks at his arms: Tentacles?

Koro- Hello class. You can call me Koro . Ill teach you how to kill

Maisie: Did my dad told you to sign me up to kill victims?

Koro- Yes.

Jenny- Why me though ?!

Koro- Because you seem to be the killer type , my dear

Jenny gasped

Jenny- What ?!

Croco: Awesome!

Jenny- I don't wanna be a killer !

Spike: Neither do I.

Koro groaned .

Koro- Fine ! To defend yourselves against killers , how about that ?

Spike: That seems fair.

Jenny groaned

Jenny- Fine !

Koro then sees Irina

Koro- Oh , hubba hubba ! Hello , Ms. Jelavich~~

Irina- Oh God.

Maisie: Does this remind you of something Luna?

Luna: This reminds me of Iruka in love with Jill.

Jenny- It kinda does

Irina glares Sassily

Irina- Just teach those kids already will ya ? God knows how flirty of an alien you are !

Koro chuckles as he watches her leave

A female Quoll Jewelpet is on her shoulder, her name is Carnelina, named after the Carnelian jewel*

Jenny- She has a jewelpet too ?!

Io: Yeah, she's new, her name is Carnelina, she's a Quoll from Australia.

Alex: Cool!

They get in their desks*

Koro shows them the picture of half of the moon destroyed

Koro- Look at this. What is this ?

Maisie: A broken half of the moon.

Koro- And guess what ?

Jenny What ?

Koro- I destroyed half of that moon

They are shocked*

Blaze: Awesome!!

Jenny-( Glares ) No ! That's NOT awesome ! Change and Nyx are on that , asshole !

Blaze: Oh.

Tito: Why did you do that?

Koro- Because one : I'm a dangerous smiley alien from another part of the galaxy that commits crimes involving murder

They are shocked*

Koro- And two that's part of your final test when you're done with my class. I am the test. After all your training , I want you kids to do your best and kill me since I destroyed your moon

Blaze: We get to use guns?!

Koro -Anything that kills a person

Blaze: Sweet!

Jenny- This is insane.... You all expect us to give you what you want because you destroyed half of our moon ?! Are you even listening to yourself or had you lost your mind on the way here ?!

Maisie: I agree with Jenny.

Koro- I'm crazy , It's my nature .

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