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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This one-shot was written for the Ranger Nation in loving memory of Jason David Frank. It is intended to help the fandom process our own feelings about JDF's tragic death by seeing characters we know and love experience and cope with this loss. I want to honor JDF's memory and his contribution to Power Rangers while still touching on how much this loss has affected those he left behind, including the fans.

This fic will be emotional and may be triggering to some readers. There is mention of suicide, but the fic takes place after the event has occurred, so there are no graphic details. Please only read this if you are in a safe place mentally and believe you can handle it. I am including a list of suicide hotlines at the end of the story in case anyone needs help.

Ranger Nation, please remember we are here for each other. Know that you matter, you are loved, and your life is so important, even if it doesn't feel that way to you sometimes. If you are struggling, please reach out and talk to someone. I promise you, people care. I care.


Somehow, she knew something was wrong. One moment, everything was fine. The next, for just a second, it felt like someone had sucked all of the air from the room.

She wasn't entirely surprised when her phone began to ring. Kimberly Hart took a deep breath and forced herself to be brave as she answered it with a nervous, "Hello?"

"Kim..." Billy Cranston began. In that one syllable was an enormous amount of pain. It sounded like he was holding back tears as he tried again. "Kimberly, something happened..."

"What's wrong?" She managed to ask.

"It's Tommy."

Just like that, the world stopped. She knew where this must be going, but maybe if she stopped Billy from continuing, she could tell herself it wasn't true. "Don't," she whispered.

"He's gone, Kim... He's gone."

Her legs gave out beneath her. There was no one there to catch her, and she fell onto her hands and knees as grief overwhelmed her. She couldn't speak... She couldn't breathe.

"Kimberly?" Billy called gently.

She wanted to reply. She wanted to tell him she was still there, and that she heard him. Instead, she let out a sob that only expressed a small amount of her pain. Finally, she managed to ask one thing; "How?"

Billy hesitated. "I'll be there in ten minutes," he replied.

It felt like hours passed and yet like no time had passed at all when Billy finally arrived. Kimberly opened the door and immediately broke down crying in Billy's arms as he stepped inside. He guided her toward the couch and sat there holding her, trying to soothe her despite obviously being upset himself.

"What happened, Billy?" Kimberly finally found the strength to ask.

"Kim..." Billy began. It was clearly difficult for him to say the words. "He killed himself, Kimberly. Tommy killed himself."

She stared at him in disbelief. "He couldn't have," she replied. "He wouldn't, Billy! Someone must have done this to him! He wouldn't leave us... He... He wouldn't..." She started sobbing again.

"I'm sorry, Kim," Billy said softly.

"It's not true... It can't be true."

"Katherine called me herself. She's pretty devastated, but she pulled herself together to tell me what happened... She had a bad feeling, but by the time she was able to check on him, it was too late."

After (A Power Rangers One-Shot Written in Loving Memory of JDF)Where stories live. Discover now