She walked to her best friend, sister, and childhood, watching how her breathing decrease gradually.

She saw how her chest didn't rise up as normally while Ekim desperately waited for the ambulance to arrive.



Ekim heard and saw something being handed to her. Her gaze rose to the person in front of her, and she noticed her boyfriend smiling at her while suppressing his concern.

He was always like this. He attempted to cheer her up whenever she was upset or furious, neglecting his own needs.

She didn't like it, but knowing him, he'd do everything to make her happy.

"Hi dear." She answered. Her voice sounded tired, and her mind was solely filled with thoughts of her childhood friend.

Come here. He extended one arm, indicating that she may hug him. Her head shifted to his chest as his strong muskular hands wrapped around her frail body.

She was missing him. She last saw him while they were meeting in secret at his school.

"Leyla is still undergoing surgery." Ekim murmured, shocked that her friend was still in pain.

"Shh. Everything will be alright, baby." He assured before kissing her head. Anxiety grew in Ekim after every second that passed.

"What if..." She couldn't finish because he kisses her lips to shut her up.

"No ifs, kahraman kız." He warned before kissing her forehead.

"Kanat, thank you for being here with me. But who told you where I was?" She asked, still clutching him. She needed him to be close to her at moments like this.

"Your mother phoned. She's worried about you. She informed me that you had not eaten or drunk in the previous few hours. So, here's your drink, and here's the amazing sandwich I bought on my way over."

He handed her the food, and she immediately began to eat and drink. She was starving, but she didn't want Leyla to be alone for too long when she picked up the food. Therefore she just waited for the news to arrive neglecting her own need of food.

"Slow down, beautiful, you're going to..."

His girlfriend's coughing was halted by him because of how quickly she was eating.

"Told ya."

She angrily hit him on the chest while he lightly hit her on the back, so she could come back to her senses.

"I love you." She said.

All of his gestures were quite beneficial in helping her overcome her anxiety. She felt better now, especially after being in Kanat's embrace.

"I love you, too." He stated this before kissing her on the cheek as she was chewing her lunch.

Leyla's surgery was completed successfully a few hours later. She was alive, but with a high price. Her prospects of walking again would be slim. It was difficult for the doctor to say because it was still too early to make a decision, but 70% were for her  being disabled for the rest of her life.

Ekim's heart broke when he heard this. The poor girl fell on the ground and Kanat scrambled to help her up.

Neşe Hanım forced then the boy to take her home. She didn't want her kid to see her in the hospital anymore.

Kanat and Ekim headed over to her place. While he undressed his girlfriend, who was still in a daze, he assisted her in washing up.

She was like this the entire time. She wasn't even embarrassed to be naked in front of him like usually. She just let him wash her since it didn't matter to her.

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