chapter one

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It's is 8:30 in the morning I went towards the bathroom and turned on the shower water I got inside and let the water run over my body I stepped out the shower and sit on the bed and started to get dressed to work I brush my teeth and fix my hair ...

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It's is 8:30 in the morning I went towards the bathroom and turned on the shower water I got inside and let the water run over my body I stepped out the shower and sit on the bed and started to get dressed to work I brush my teeth and fix my hair once I was finished getting dressed I went towards my daughter room I got her out of her bed and took her to the bathroom and put her in the tub I bath her up and got her out and put her panties on and her clothes I calmed her hair and got her dress for daycare I took her downstairs to put her some bacon eggs and grits and I said her dad and her chair she started to eat what's with finish I headed towards my Jeep

I put the keys in the ignition and put my baby inside the car and broke her down and her car seat I drove out to daycare and took her aside good morning her teacher said to me good morning I'll be at her at 5:30 okay and I kissed the goodbye bye m...

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I put the keys in the ignition and put my baby inside the car and broke her down and her car seat I drove out to daycare and took her aside good morning her teacher said to me good morning I'll be at her at 5:30 okay and I kissed the goodbye bye mommy she said to me I got back inside my Jeep and drove to my job and went inside and turn the alarm off my best friend showed up girl what's up oh nothing how is Leah she's fine how are you seeing your baby daddy no I haven't seen him today he probably come over and get her the weekend oh okay you still in love with him aren't you anyway no I cannot stand his ass I said to her but it deep down I am in love with him but I'm not going to show it we did three hits today we took a break and went to lunch and came back to the shop and started to eat what's that finish eating it was time to go get my daughter I will see you tomorrow lock the doors and cut the alarm off I will I got you I got inside my Jeep and drove to get Leo I broke her down in the car seat and took her home we went inside the door I wanted to the kitchen and first saw some spaghetti and meatballs we both sit down and start to eat once I was finished I took upstairs and bathroom up and read her a bedtime story I kissed a good night I went to the bathroom took a shower myself and got ready for bed I got a text from her daddy said he coming to get her tomorrow I told him okay as I dozed off and went to sleep

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