Someone Else p2

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Info - dad timothee, taking back a toxic partner, famous Timmy, adorable Hal, allusions to smut

"In my hat full of dreams!" Hal sang. He was butt naked except for his top hat. Timothée was chasing him around, trying to bathe him.

"I want candy," Hal beamed and Timothée made the deadly mistake of laughing. You couldn't encourage Hal, or it'd end in disaster.

"Y/n," he called desperately.

"This isn't silly time, it's bath time. Don't you want to be good for daddy?" I asked.

"Otay," he said solemnly.

"How did you do that?" He asked in shock.

"From a young age I told him you could be really silly sometimes, because he admired you. However, I told him when you had to work, you turned off the silly. So whenever I say it isn't silly time, he knows to focus."

"That's so cute I might cry," he said with a chuckle. "Could I maybe kiss you?"

We'd been rekindling our romance slowly. He had taken off work, and was putting his full focus into me and Hal. Hal took precedent, but I had to admit I was enjoying getting to know him again.

"Yes," I said. He pulled me to him eagerly. His lips were soft and he tasted like the iced coffee he'd had earlier. I grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him more heartily.

"Oh," he gasped, but imitated my fire. His hands slid down my waist. I felt him smile into the kiss. He pulled me flush against him so that there was no space between us.

"Daddy, no silly time," said Hal's tiny voice reproachfully. Timothée released me with a deep laugh at his son. Hal still had on his hat, and had his hands on his pudgy hips.

"You're right Mister," he agreed.

"But Tim," I pulled him back. "I may be open to some more Um more ntense silly time later."

Timothée's eyes grew wide. He quickly ushered Hal along so they could finish fast.

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