Someone Else

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Warnings - asshole Timmy, break up, pregnancy, giving birth, reuniting, apologies, cursing in front of a child, single mom, mentions of cheating, breaking up over text

"You're gonna find someone else," I said, teary eyed. Cameras were snapping photos of us but I didn't care.

"Mon Amor, you underestimate how irresistible you are," he chuckled.

"This is serious, I'm so worried," I said, running my hands up and down his arms.

"I love you, I'm not going to find someone else," he said, looking directly into my eyes.

"I love you too," I said.

"Give me a goodbye kiss," he requested. I kissed him long and hard, wanted to convey with my lips how much I'd miss him.

"I've gotta go now," he whispered.

"I know," I pouted.

"I'll be back before you know it," he beamed.

"Doubtful," I said.

Soon he was gone and I watched until his plane took off. I went mournfully back to my house.

The weeks passed and Timothée became more and more distant. He used to call every night, and text all day, now, it wasn't the same. There were rumors of the intense chemistry between him and costar, Destiny, on set.

I called him after a great day. I needed to tell him my news. I dialed him three times, he finally picked up.

"Shut up," he giggled with someone in the background. "Hey baby."

"Hi," I said, so happy to hear his voice. It'd been a week since the last call. I heard feminine laughter in the background and tried to ignore my sinking heart.

"Guess what! I bought a car," I said happily.

"Oh no that sucks babe," he said sorrowfully.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"You had a bad fall?" Timothée guessed.

"Are you even listening to me? I said I bought a car!"

"Oh wow, that's fantastic."

"How are you doing?" I asked,

"Never better," he laughed. My heart sunk a little more. I didn't expect him to be miserable, but never better was a weird thing to say.

"That's great," I said, masking my sadness. I had something else to tell him. I was pretty sure I was pregnant, but I didn't want to break that news over the phone.

"Look, baby, I can't really talk right now. I've gotta go, I'm sorry," he said distractedly, and I heard someone say something.

"That's fine," I said, but he'd clicked off before hearing my answer. I felt tears sting my eyes. I shouldn't be crying, I was being too needy. I needed to be strong.

In the fourth month of my pregnancy, he broke up with me over text. He said he wanted to be with his costar, and he didn't want to cheat on me, so he had to do it this way. I was devastated. I was so angry I blocked him on everything and lost his number. I would never tell him about the baby.

My mom was my best friend throughout the process. She gave me baby clothes, and threw me a shower. I loved that baby growing inside me, but sometimes it made me sad. I half wanted him to be the spitting image of Timothée and half wanted him to look nothing like him.

My mother was alarmed, when on the day of his birth, I named the baby Hal. She said it would only hurt more, but I thought it might make it hurt less.

I loved my little Hal more than anything in the world. He was the spitting image of Timmy, bouncy brown curls, hazel eyes, freckle skinned. He was adorable, and got compliments everywhere we went.

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