Within ten minutes, due to him describing her condition, paramedics were at the church. Within another five, they had discovered what was wrong with the girl.

°"I'm afraid your daughter's managed to come down with a rather nasty virus... It completely tampers with her body chemistry, causing the extreme temperature rise and loss of ability to move or speak properly. I'm afraid the longer that she lives with this virus, the more likely she will be to roast alive..."

Father Shiozaki paled, asking if there was any known cure.

His only response was a solemn, sad: "I'm sorry."

Father Shiozaki was purely heartbroken... His own flesh and blood, his precious daughter... Was slowly dying... And he could do naught to  save her... He thanked the paramedics, who gave their condolences for his circumstance...

For one month, before every meal, during every sermon, and before he fell asleep, he would pray to the Lord that he would take pity on his daughter. His prayers would end up being answered, as a verdant haired young man would enter his church.


During one of Father Shiozaki's prayers within the church, he heard a set of gentle footsteps behind him. They stopped a distance away, silently, letting him finish his prayer. Once finished, he turned, being greeted by a tall young man, with verdant, long hair and a soft expression. A small bird was sitting on his shoulder, fast asleep.

°"Forgive my intrusion, Father. I couldn't help but sense the melancholy air."

The elder nodded sadly in response.

°"My daughter has been overcome with an incurable disease... All I can do is nurse her until it is her time to pass... She is my only child... She is my world..."

The young man walked closer, putting his hand on the other's shoulder. As he did, Father Shiozaki could feel a wave of both trust, and warmth flood him. It was as if, he was staring at the answer to all of his prayers.

°"Nothing is incurable to me, Father. So fret not, for within a day she shall be healthy again... If you place your faith within me."

A small amount of scepticism filled the Father, however, he would honestly take whatever he could get at this point in time. He nodded, staying his faith in the young man, and proceeded to lead him to his daughter.

Shiozaki Ibara was covered by an incredibly thin blanket, thin enough to cover her body, but not to warm her up more.

The green haired boy took one look at her, and whispered something to the bird on his shoulder. It then flew off, out of the window.

°"Father... I need to bring her to my home... There, I can give her the cure to her illness... I wish to bring you too, but I must ask you this... What you see must not be repeated to others, can you keep your word to me on this? Never tell others who don't already know..."

Feeling the sincerity of his words, the elderly man nodded, seeing the other pick up his daughter with ease. He was shocked that he wasn't being affected by her condition.

After walking outside, the pair saw the bird from earlier flying around a certain spot, sprinkling seeds. Soon, a pair of vines sprouted from the ground, the tips meeting to form an arch.

Shocked being belief, the Father watched as the young boy took his daughter through the arch, vanishing. He promptly followed, being greeted by a dance of colours and collection of various trees. Many animals roamed and slept within these trees, causing the Father to question his surroundings.

He found the young boy, having layed his daughter on the ground. Soon, however, he saw something that put true fear in him... He saw an abnormally long, ruby scaled serpent... It slithered to the pair, looking at the young boy...

He recognised it from the bible, a form that the Devil would take... However, it seemed to be conversing with the other, and even suggesting ways to aid the girl. It even picked a pair of fruit to squeeze into a glass. At this point, the Father was hoping for answers.

°"Y-Young man..? M-Might I inquire as to my current location..?"

The young man paused, slowly standing.

°"You, Father... Are currently in the first of God's creations upon the Earth... The first Garden of Mankind, Eden..."



The Father was shellshocked. He was in Eden, THE EDEN!!!! The very Eden that Adam and Eve were cast from!

Before he could think any further, the Serpent had begun to have Shiozaki drink the fruit juice.

°"I-If this is Eden, th-then what is a Serpent such as that doing here?"

°"Ah, yes. That Serpent happens to be the daughter of the Devil, and the one who cared for this place until I arrived. She is my adoptive sister, Orochi Sakura. My name, is Orochi Izuku, the Caretaker of the Garden of Eden."

It was at that point, that Shiozaki had awoken from her slumber, the miraculous powers of the juices curing her ailment, just in time to hear his proclamation, and have her faith in God cemented.

She believed this boy to be the living embodiment of her God, and she would trust his every word, along with her father.

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