Chapter 3

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It was now four years after Tokoyami and Asui had met Orochi, and the pair had been accepted into the U.A Hero Course. They had been to see Orochi to tell him the good news, and that's when he surprised them with news of his own.



The duo ran towards the original Gate of Eden, hoping to be able to enter. As they did, they noticed Orochi sitting on the ground, a great big Brown Bear curled up around him. They ran over, excited to tell him the good news.

°"Izuku-aniki! We received our U.A results today! Kero."

The excited frog girl exclaimed as they ran up to him. Orochi looked up and smiled gently, radiating warmth.

°"I take it from the joy I can feel from you both, you passed with flying colours?"

°"Heck yeah! We aced the exam, no sweat!"

Came a voice from Tokoyami's stomach. Dark Shadow abruptly made his presence known, causing Orochi to chuckle. Originally, the living quirk was concerned that the Garden would reject his presence. However,after proving that he holds no malice to the Garden, it was content to allow Dark Shadow to reveal himself.

°"That is very reassuring Dark Shadow, congratulations you both."

Orochi had a pair of glasses with freshly squeezed orange juice prepared for them. He then held a finger up as if remembering something.

°"Ah, silly me, forgetting to mention something so important."

°"What would that be, Izuku-aniki?"

Inquired Tokoyami. After a moment, Orochi handed them both a small stick, each with an oak leaf and small acorn attached.

°"As you both spent time in your own lives, I had managed to aid others like you."

°"Like us? Kero."

°"Those who live with some form of misfortune. All pure of heart, being cast aside by their peers for being themselves, or things out of their control."

They nodded, secretly excited to meet their new siblings.

It was a strange way of honouring the one who saved them, Tokoyami and Asui considered him their big brother. Now, they would find the others he has helped, and welcome them into their surrogate family.

°"All I have helped will be attending U.A, some in your class, some in 1-B. I do so hope you find them."

Tokoyami looked at the oak leaf and acorn.

°"Will they be wearing a similar charm?"

Orochi nodded. They then simply enjoyed eachother's company until it was late.


The two brand new students made their way to the classroom, hearing a racket being caused. They frowned, before opening the door. Immediately, they felt sweat drop down their head.

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