20 - Multiverse Villains

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Hailey, Hannah, Peter, Chase and Ned went down to a dark, damp and dodgy looking basement.

"Badass," Ned said with a smile on his face.

"Where's Anthony?" Hailey wondered as Ned began exploring the room and lifted an old crossbow.

"He said he's running late," Hannah said.

Hannah and Chase began exploring the basement.

"Guys, listen," Peter said. "About this whole spell thing..."

"Guys, listen," Peter said. "About this whole spell thing..."

"It's... it's okay," Hailey assured him.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah," Hailey nodded. "I get it. You were trying to fix things. But... just run it by us next time, you know? That way, when you're thinking about possibly breaking the universe, we could help you..."

"Deal," Peter agreed. "Guys?"

He turned to the rest of the group.

Chase turned around and smiled. 

"Yeah, okay," he said.

"Alright," Hannah shrugged.

"Oh, dude. I don't care," Ned said. "And seriously, not a big deal. Oooh..."

He noticed a pilates machine in the corner.

"A tortue rack," Ned said.

He touched one of the springs and it whirred.

"That is a pilates machine," Hailey said. "That is..."

She pointed to the dungeon in front of her.

"The crypt," Hannah said.

They were about to walk over to the villains cells when they heard footsteps running down.

"Guys!" they heard Anthony's voice call.

"Down here, Anthony!" Hannah called.

Anthony was out of breath when he got down to the basement.

"Whoa," he said, stunned at what he saw.

"I know," Chase said.

"What are we doing?"

"We're..." Peter turned around to the dungeon.

Anthony followed the group, except Ned, to the villains cells.

"Okay, guys, who get the rest of the guys," Hailey said. "You zap them, Doctor Strange will send them back, and we get into MIT."

Ned joined them, armed with the crossbow.

"Let's catch some multiverse men," Ned said.

"Hey!" a strange man with tentacles coming from his back said. "Who the hell are these people?!"

The man's sudden "Hey!" caused everyone, except Peter and Hannah jumped. 

"These are our friends," Peter said. "This is Hailey and Chase," he pointed to Hailey and Chase. "This is Ned. Uh, and this is Anthony."

"Hello," Ned waved.

Chase stood there awkwardly and waved, uncertain on what to do.

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Peter asked.

"Doctor Otto Octavius," the man said.

They all chuckled at the man's name.

"Wait, no, seriously," Chase said, amused.  "What's your actual name?"

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