13. Final Goodbye

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However, there were two things that confused me. The first thing was that the Herrscher in me, who was still asleep. Somehow it was strange not to hear her anymore. I also knew that I had to think about a name for her. The second thing was that almost every time I trained without Elysia I saw Kalpas. But now he was the one who ignored me. Or at least he left me alone. Even though I wanted him to leave me alone, it bothered me. ,,He probably thinks I'm so weak that I'm not even worth fighting him again...'' I muttered bitterly as I drew my bow to aim. I inhaled and exhaled deeply as I released my arrow and it hit my target directly.

,,That was a really good shot~" spoke Elysia, who suddenly stood behind me. ,,Where did you come from?" I asked, startled. ,,From the lobby." Elysia answered playfully. ,,Haha, very funny. Is something wrong?" I asked. ,,Mei wants to talk to you. And she looks even more serious than usual. It's really a pity that she never really smiles.'' Elysia replied, pulling me along. ,,Hey Elysia, can I ask you something?" I started. ,,Of course, that's what I'm here for.'' ,,What does it mean when Kalpas ignores someone?" I asked. ,,Hmm... Good question. Usually he always rejects people in his own way and defeats them in battle. Why?" Elysia explained. ,,I don't know. When I train here alone, he sometimes comes by, but he doesn't say anything and seems to ignore me," I answered, sounding like an idiot. I really don't know why it's bothering me so much.... ,,This really doesn't sound like Kalpas...'' Elysia pondered. ,,But don't worry, I will talk to him!" she added with motivation. ,,What?! You don't have to!" I said quickly to change her mind, but it was too late.

As soon as Elysia and I arrived in the lobby, a giggling Mobius walked past me. ,,Mei I found Yuki~'' Elysia greeted and pulled me through the lobby. ,,Thank you Elysia," Mei thanked me. Elysia nodded and left us alone. ,,So what's up?" I asked calmly. ,,I want to take you somewhere. It's about something you should know." Mei explained and she looked... exhausted. ,,Are you really okay?" I asked worriedly. ,,More or less...'' Mei admitted.

It was strange to walk through the tunnel again which led out of the Elysian Realm. I had even forgotten the fact that everyone there is just a simulation. Yet they all felt like real people. I didn't even notice that we were already outside the World Serpent HQ. Only when Mei's dragon appeared in front of me did I realize it. ,,Are you sure I can go?" I asked, a little intimidated by the look of her dragon. ,,Of course. Kurikara won't hurt you," Mei assured me and held out her hand, which I took. When I sat on Kurikara, I got a strange feeling in my body again. ,,Was that Benares before?" I asked. ,,Yes, how did you...?'' ,,I still sensed some emotions though weakly, but they are still the same as in Nagazora.'' I explained. Mei nodded and turned forward again. When Kurikara lifted its wings, I quickly held onto Mei before we were high in the air.

 When Kurikara lifted its wings, I quickly held onto Mei before we were high in the air

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It was night when we arrived at our destination. Mei asked me to wait briefly at Kurikara, because she still had to get something. While I waited, I sat down on the grass and looked up at the clear sky. Cautiously, I noticed that Kurikara was nudging me. Hesitantly, I raised my hand and stroked the dragon's head. It seemed that Kurikara was relaxing and I continued to pat the dragon. ,,I never thought I would pat a dragon in my life..." I murmured smiling. When I heard footsteps in the distance I stopped patting the dragon, who snorted in response and stood up. To my amazement, Mei had a bouquet of flowers in her hand. ,,What are the flowers for?" I asked, confused. ,,Let me show you," Mei answered calmly. A little nervously I followed her. After a while, we came to a stop in front of a marble table, which was standing open here.

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