14. The match

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Y/n y/n you need to wake up.

I don't want to i'm sick.

I know you aren't.

I don't want to go to school and don't want to play the match without ....

Y/n come on get up i know your upset that they are not coming but jaden and his friend are coming and i come with robin and other friends.

I don't wanttt tooo wake uppp.

Steve picked you up like a baby. If you stand up you can pick some cloths from my closet. You stood up.

Why did i say that, steve looked at you and you stood there with a smile

Go away i need to changed.

You changed but you couldn't find your favorite jacket.

Steve did you saw that jacket i like.

Max still has it.

Shit, you forgot when you had that fight you gave it to her because it was cold.

You looked into Steve's closet.

Ughh you took a other baseball jacket.

You went down stairs.

So let me see, my cap, my jacket. but they look really good on you i'm not gonna lie.

I know Stevie, you smiled. Stevieeeee can i get a ride to school. You asked with puppy eyes.

Ugh okeyy, He couldn't say no at the puppy eyes.

Heheh wohooo.

Do you have everything.

Uhmm soccer bag, skateboard, me , bag pack, yeah i have everything, you smiled.

Did you really needed to put yourself on the list, he laughed softly.

Yeah duhhh, i cant forget my self.

Steve slapped his face, come on lets go shorty.

You didn't do much at school didn't focus on your work.

Your now in the changing room with your team.

Hey is everything okey today, Alice asked she is one of your team mates.

Yeah i think so.

Is it still max??

How do you know, you asked in shock.

I saw you looking at her and you 2 were really close.

You nodded, yeah we were close yeahh.

Okey come on we need to go. There were many people at the soccer field. You looked around and spotted steve, robin, jaden and the others but you didn't saw the people you really wanted to see.

She will come i promise, Alice said.

She is not i know that, you waved at steve and the others.

( 45 minutes later)

You didn't do wel every ball you got you messed up.

I can't do this, you mouthed to steve.

He only put his thumbs up.

Fluuut the first half was over.

Fuck this, you mumbled.

You go back to the changing room.

GIRL WHAT IS THIS, The coach yelled.

You looked down at the ground.

Y/N LOOK AT ME, you looked up.


Yes coach, you mumbled.

What did you say.

Yes coach.

So what are we all gonna do, he asked the team.

WIN, everyone yelled but you just looked at the ground.

I can't hear you what are we gonna do, he asked one more time.


(15 minutes later)

It was 2-0 for the other team.

Max came to steve.

Hey is it going good or bad, she asked the older Harrington.

Oh hey max it's going really bad.

Max stared at you.

I see that, she saw how angry you were getting.

You got tackled but you just sat down while the others were arguing.

You stood up and looked at steve but then you saw someone next to him it was max, you smiled and she waved a little so you waved too.

Now its going to be fun, steve said to max.

The whole party came.

You got the bal and you run past everyone and then you scored.

You danced with Alice.

Who is that bitch, Annie asked.

Shut upp she is her team mate, jaden said.

You were trying to score but you didn't get through the people.

Then someone tackled you again but harder.

You layed on the ground with pain.

Y/n are you okey, Alice kneeled beside you.

Auww my foot.

Everyone was worried about you.

The judge came, are you okey.

Yeah im okey you sat down and whipping your tears away.

You stood up. Are you really okey, Alice asked again.

You nodded and you put your thumbs up to everyone.

Yess she is okey my baby is okey, Annie said.

Max looked at her confused.

Annie she isn't your baby she is m... uhmm no ones baby.

She rolled her eye and max smiled.

( time skip you scored again its now 2 minutes left on the clock.)

( time skip 20secondes left)

This is the last action you ran to the goal you wanted to shoot but you saw Alice standing so you gave the bal to her.

Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING, she yelled.

SHOOT JUST SHOOT, you yelled back.

She shoot andddd.....

We see if she scores or not hu. I'm so bad. am I bullying you guys??😂😂

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