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you ended up applying for the first available position listed, which happened to be an assistant. the only downside was that you had to wake up at the crack of dawn to be able to get to the interview on time. mina was ecstatic to say the least. she had planned to meet up with you at a coffee shop just across from the agency and she told you to dress nice, but not too nice.

you made your way down to sidewalk and towards the shop, clutching the portfolio that held the papers with your information and resume in it. you then stopped to look at the tall building just across the street. swallowing the lump that formed in your throat you slipped in your important papers into your messenger bag and walked into the smaller building beside you and breathed in the fresh smell of warm coffee.

"hey! y/n!" your cheerful friend called to you. "mina!" you called back. she ran up to you and hugged you tightly. "ohhh! i missed you so much! you look so adorable!" she let you go and you took in a deep breath of air and readjusted your top. business casual was the look you where aiming for, a white collared shirt with a f/c cardigan, and black jeans. "thank you, mina! you look like your usual self." mina herself was dressed in a black pencil skirt and a white button up that she had unbuttoned just enough to show her cleavage.

"oh stoooop, come on! we have to get you to that interview." she said and handed you a small coffee. you thanked her and took a shaky sip as she dragged you out the shop and across the crosswalk to the agency. "i'm sure you'll do great, n/n. if not, i'll have a personal word with the big angry troll at the head desk." she stated in a matter-of-fact tone that made you laugh.

"mina! we need you in records!" someone yelled as soon as you walked through the big glass double doors. "oh boo, that's my call. i'll see you after the interview, I believe in you!" she said and kissed your forehead, then ran off waving, "bye n/n!!" her nickname made you smile fondly at the memories that ran through your head. you took gulped down the rest of your coffee and threw it in the bin, then walked to the desk at the back of the busy room.

the woman sitting at the receptionist desk had black hair in a big ponytail. you wouldn't be lying if you said you found her very attractive. shaking your head you took a step closer to the desk and made her look up at you. "oh hello! how may i help you?" she smiled sweetly and stoped whatever she was doing to put her full attention on you. this made you even more nervous than you where before. maybe this was why you kept to yourself all these years.

"h-hello, i'm here about a job interview?" you said. the woman nodded and glanced at one of the many sticky notes that clung to her computer. "the assistant job, correct? miss l/n?" she asked. you nodded eagerly. "yes, one moment." she turned to a black phone and pressed a button. "sir! we have the assistant applicant here, l/n y/n." she said and waited for a response.

then a tired and angry males voice sounded through the intercom, "send em' up here. i ain't got all day. another waste of my ti-" his voice cut off and the black haired woman turned back towards you with a sorry smile. if you where nervous before, you're terrified now.

"you're cleared to go up. floor number 35, all the way to the tippy top. good luck!" she said. you gave a slight bow and waved goodbye, "thank you, ma'am." she cringed, "i feel old haha, please call me yaoyorozu." you laughed, "of course, yaoyorozu." she waved you off and you made your way into the elevator. "i like her. and i have an odd feeling i'm going to be seeing more of her." Yaoyorozu said to herself and got back to what she was doing before her encounter with you.

when you entered the elevator, you ended up beside a man with red spiky hair. he was dressed in a full black suit, complete with a tie that had sharks imprinted on it. you sent him a small smile, paired with a simple wave and pressed the floor number you where supposed to go to. "floor 35?" the male next to you asked. you looked up to him and nodded. "that's right." he scratched the back of his head. "oh geez, i wish you luck then." he laughed loudly. at this point you where shaking in your shoes.

"is he that scary?" you whispered, which at the moment was all you could manage. he looked down at you, "sorry! I didn't mean to scare ya' that bad! katsuki isn't that bad, at least untill you get to know him. anyways, i'm kirishima ejirou! i assume you're here for the job application that was sent out?"

'he sure talks a lot...' you thought to yourself. "yes! i'm l/n y/n. it's nice to meet you." you beamed up at him and outstretched your hand. kirishima teared up and grabbed your hand with both of his. "you're so precious!!" he gushed. "it's nice to meet you too!" he wiped a tear away. you sweat dropped. the floor dinged and opened on the 33rd floor. he sighed and let go of your hands, "well, this is my stop. bye bye l/n!!" he said and left the elevator, waving at you untill the doors fully closed.

'he was nice.' you thought once again to yourself. though you immediately grew nervous as the elevator gradually got closer to the 35th floor. "oh boy..." you said aloud and the door finally opened up to show a long hallway. stepping out you thought this was a nightmare. the elevator doors closed behind you and you had immediately thought of going back and praying for the doors to open up.

you gulped and walked down the black carpeted floor. the walls were painted army green and had pictures lining the walls. each picture had a name engraved on the bottom, all who had last name 'bakugo.' the most recent two being 'mitsuki bakugo' and 'katsuki bakugo.'

they looked almost like carbon copies! never less, they both looked completely terrifying. piercing red eyes and blond hair, almost as if they where anime characters. or perhaps demons... yet on the other hand they where stunning. both equally attractive. hot, if you will.

you shakily made it towards the doors at the end of the hallway and slowly pushed them open and peeked your head in. the room was wide and had glass windows surrounding. the male you may possibly have to call your boss, was nose deep in papers, his glasses at the edge of his nose. he most likely hadn't noticed you had entered yet. you slid in and cleared your throat to catch his attention. the blonde stopped flipping through his papers and glanced up at you. sighing he pushed away a couple stacks of papers and took off his glasses.

"sit down." he said, pointing to a chair right in front of his desk. gulping down yet another lump in your throat, you obeyed his command and sat down in the chair. his desk was shined and made of dark wood and his name was engraved on a name plate that sat right  in front of you. he leaned on his desk with his crossed arms.

huge. just huge, was the word you could come up with to describe him. if his white shirt where any smaller, you swear it would rip from how big his chest was. he was just looking at you, observing, like a hawk would it's prey. you shifted uneasily in your chair. he glared at you and sucked his teeth, then sat back in his chair.

"how well can you work under pressure?" he asked. of course you could. the constant nagging and weight of having to push out art practically trained you for handling pressure. "yes sir. i can handle pressure quite easily." you stated, amazed that you could hold yourself up as long as you have.

"alright, give me your resume." he demanded, you obligated and reached in your bag and grabbed your portfolio then slid it across his desk. he flipped through your resume and took his time reading. you didn't know if you liked that or not. but still, you where confident in your experience that you where qualified for this job. he grunted and dropped your portfolio on his desk without much care.

"work. how much work can you take?" he asked. again, it seemed as if your past career had prepared you especially for this job and this man's expectations. you settled down at this and felt like anything he threw at you, you would be prepared for. "more than you may realize, sir." you said, perhaps a little too cockily because he rose a brow as your response.

"so you can start right away then?" he asked and glared at you. he was challenging you. your manager was the same way. you weren't about to be controlled again by another boss to high and mighty to care for others. so you glared right back at him, "yes sir. i can start immediately." he smirked and stood up. "then your test begins." suddenly you felt very small.

maybe you weren't cut out for this job as you thought you where. you gulped, "test?" the blonde narrowed his eyes and smiled evilly, leaning down towards you, "you won't survive a minute, girl." the room suddenly felt a hundred more degrees hotter than it was prior. fuck, he's hot. you where in front of a beast in his castle, and you had intruded. you where in a run for your money.

you knew you where in deep shit. regret filled your entire body. 'i shouldn't have listened to mina!' you internally screamed at yourself.

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