Chapter Seventy-Eight- The Fight

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I completely forgot about trigger warnings! WeLp- hope nobody minds if things get too detailed! You like blood? You like gore? You like knives?  V i o l e n c e ?  You're in the right place!
(Trigger warning?)


As Actor and Anti's fight continued, Anti didn't seem like he was trying to get the device. 

No, it seemed more like he was trying to KILL Actor. But that would be madness, right? If Actor was stronger than Dark, then surely Anti wouldn't stand a chance... Right? 


Anti may be weaker than Dark, but he was faster and- believe it or not- smarter and was at full charge. Dark was more resourceful, yes, but he was better at planning things out before going in rather than improvising it. Anti, on the other hand, was very flexible and good at improvising and changing plans at the snap of a finger. And he changed his plan and approach a LOT. 

Unpredictability was probably Anti's greatest weapon. 

He was crazy, unpredictable, and fearsome... And he was also damn good at predicting others. He was truly a terrifying opponent. Even somebody as powerful as Actor couldn't help but be wary. 

Even so, killing Actor sounded out of the question for Anti. Even if he could, it would take way too long and there were people who were bleeding out right now. Surely, he knew that, right? So, what was he doing?

Anti attacked and lashed out, appearing behind Actor one second and above him the next. Most of the time, he didn't even have to glitch to set Actor off. He would run at the other, only to veer off and hop to the side before sending a bolt of electricity at him. Or he would back away and look like he was about to use magic, before glitching behind Actor and slashing at him. And just when the other thought he knew Anti's game, he would change it completely. Fire when he looks like he's going to fire, stab when he looks like he's going to stab. And then he would change his game again to random fires, fake outs, and tricks and traps. 

But Anti wasn't winning. His strategy and fierceness weren't enough for somebody as strong as Actor. He was getting hit left and right, especially when he didn't glitch in time and gets caught in Actor's aura. To anybody else- including Actor himself- it looked like him and Anti were neck and neck. But that was because it's what Anti wanted them to believe. And belief is a powerful thing. 

The glitch grinned crazily, despite the bruises and his possibly broken arm. He licked a line of blood off of his knife, before laughing and posing to lunge. 

"You really are mad..." Actor's hand trembled. Fighting somebody like Dark- who would probably be too scared to kill you even if he was able to- was easy. Fun, even. But fighting someone like Anti, who would try to slice you to bits without even thinking about it, even if they know they were too weak to do so... Now that was a dangerous game. A game that Actor didn't want to play.

Anti launched back into the fight after taking a moment to catch his breath. And that's when Edward had started to note something odd. 

When Anti was catching his breath, the sound was raspy. His breathing pattern was irregular and labored, not matching his expression and attitude at all. And there was a certain look in his eyes, a mixture of concern and calculation. 


And then he went back to fighting, but he didn't glitch at all this round. What was he planning? There were two extremes that it could be, and there was no in-between: something bat-shit crazy, or something genius... Oh wait, there was an in-between. Both of those describe everything that Anti does. 

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