0-5: Table Tennis Grudge (Runner 1 & Spider 5)

Start from the beginning

Can't say I respect that.

Anyway, since Kogure is useless and Wakaba is not playing, it's basically a 1v1.

I haven't lost a single point to Negishi yet, but she still hasn't given up.

The murderous determination in her eyes is kind of scary actually.

Though more than that, I respect her tenacity.

In the end, I achieved a perfect victory.

Negishi just glares at me, which scares me.

In fact, Kogure begins crying at that.

Seriously? You're not even the one she is mad at.

Then she glares at Wakaba, who doesn't flinch at all.

How does she remain calm despite being this close to Negishi's murderous aura?

I don't know, I'm more worried about the fact I'm stuck doing a group project with Negishi.

Still, I would say she deserves more respect than she is given despite her off-putting personality.

More than Wakaba at least, who just relies on her talent to coast along life.

Spider 5:

PE, oh how I loathe you and exercising in general.

I mean, I used to like running back in the day when I was the fastest kid among my kindergarten peers.

I was so fast they called me Skanda, and I kept that as my online username.

I also had some passing interest in baseball, but it never went anywhere beyond buying a baseball cap in elementary.

Ah, good times...And now I feel like an old hag, darn it! Nai wa!

I mean, I am pretty sure I am the oldest among my classmates, having been held back in early elementary from getting liver cancer.

Still wishing I haven't survived that.

Anyway, I just don't have the stamina to maintain my speed and was soon overtaken by everyone else.

Doesn't help that I am anaemic, my blood just doesn't carry oxygen well enough for me to handle any intense physical activities.

Found that out when I overexerted myself trying to win a race against someone riding a bike in kindergarten.

I have never been athletic at all since and never will.

Because of that, I don't like to move more than necessary.

Well, I suppose I like freestyle dancing while listening to music with my headphones.

But it's nothing fancy, just the occasional spin and small hop as I move around the house.

I am definitely a dancer at heart, just zero actual talent for it.

If I actually tried, I would no doubt embarrass myself by failing spectacularly, and getting hurt falling down too.

Same with any other sport really.

I can't have that, so how do I avoid embarrassing myself when PE is mandatory?

By making it clear that I am not trying at all of course.

You can't fail if you don't try.

That way, I can avoid exercising while protecting my pride, it's the perfect plan!

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