The Prank That Got 3 Kicked Out

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-This will be very quick with no ships-

You three are dead Olvan yelled while chasing Rollan, Lishay and Maya, Nah were not Maya said, Lishay you're the adult you should be responsible Olvan said, no Tarik was the one who stopped me from doing these things Lishay responded, well you're never going to catch us old man Rollan said, yell I will and you will face the punishment Olvan said.

-the next day-

Lenori was eating her breakfast with Abeke, Meilin and Conor in the cafeteria when Olvan stormed in with Rollan, Lishay and Maya, I'm kicking these 3 out for a month say your goodbyes Olvan said, didn't Rollan save the world 3 times Abeke said, yes but I gave them the options I break their bones, pay for my coffee for a month, a band from Greenhaven for a month and finally do the Dishes for a year Olvan said, what did they do even Meilin asked, burn all my coffee supplies Olvan said, can I help you Meilin asked, sure Olvan said, what you traitor Maya, Lishay and Rollan said at the same time.

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