Chapter 9

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Your POV

"Mom..." "Yes sweetie?" "I really need to talk to you about something" "Go on".

I told her everything. About meeting the Warners, about what they had to go trough, and...

"Sigh, the moment she saw b/n...her jaw literaly dropped, you know what I mean?" "Ok, so, you're saying...Dot's in love with him?" "Yeah...she told me she was sad about it because he's a human and she's a zany toon" "I understand. Do you have a plan how to help them?" "Yes. I made it up".

Then she spoke in a quieter voice, " there someone you like?". My heart jumped, she couldn't be asking me that. "I...yes..." "'s alright, you can tell me anything". I sighed and said only one word, "Wakko".

My mom chuckled, "Well, it's not bad to like someone, right?". I sighed, "No, but...I don't know how to explain this. He's adorable, but I'm annoyed by that". "I know", said mom, "You're annoyed because you didn't want it in the first place, so now you're kinda forced to be in love". I gasped, "You kidding me?! Forced?! No way". "Now", said mom, "You can either get over it, or you already know what".

I tought for a moment, then she interrupted my toughts, "But I suggest you do the second thing". My face lit up and I hugged mom, "Thanks a lot". "Anytime".

So, I got ready and headed to the bus stop, knowing exactly what to do. This was the first time I went alone, but I was totaly ok with it. I felt excited and happy.

Once I got there, I ran to the water tower and knocked on the door. Luckly, Wakko opened it. The look on his face tough, was suprising. "Y-y/n?", he asked. I chuckled, "Someone's blushing...", I said as I stroked his cheeck gently. Wakko frowned. So I stopped.

"Wanna take a walk?", I asked. Suddenly, he crossed his arms and shoock his head. "Aww, come on!", I said, "I have a plan...". His face lit up, "You do??". I just nodded, smiling. That was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen. Wakko ran past me and down the ladder. "Hey, wait for me!", I said and went after him.

As we were walking, I was confident enough to wrap one arm around him, "Come here". Wakko blushed again. What was up with him? I tought he wasn't so awkward.

"Ok, here's my plan", I said, "We devide into boys and girls group" "Again?" "Yes. That's the best option. And, we act like their psycologists" "What?" "We talk to them" "And?" "That's my plan" "Just to talk?" "Yes. Sometimes, you just have to be careful with people. If you mess with them, you might pressure them too much. just have to let them say how they feel and work things out".

There was a moment of silence as Wakko tought everything trough. " actually know about that one time...when Dot had to love with...", he couldn't get it out. I guess he just didn't want to talk about it. "Well", I said, "I just guessed, since you guys are zany enough to do a lot of stuff. Is it that thing your brother remembered?" "Yeah..."

"Can we go back now?", asked Wakko. I understood him and nodded. Suddenly, he started running back and I ran after him. "Heey! You can't do that!", I yelled after him. Wakko didn't respond, he just ran as tough he was scared. Finaly, just in front of the water tower, I caught him in a hug. He was frowning like never before.

"Hey...something wrong?", I asked gently, still hugging him. "Can you just...let me go?", he asked. "Ok", I whispered, smiling. I knew how he felt and totaly appreciated it. "Bye Wakko...", I said as I let him go, still smiling. "Bye...y/n...", Wakko said kind of perplexed and literaly ran away from me, up the ladder.

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