My mind flooded with memories all leading back to after the death of my mother. When me father started his punishments. When the drinking became more important than me. How I ended up with Graham. When the boy started taking complete control over my life.

"Stop!" I begged, but Draco pushed through my memories to catch any detail he wanted while he held me up.

All the times I had run off to Blaise for comfort. When everyone started bullying me for sport. What happened when Graham found me with Theo in the library. What happened the night Draco got me in trouble. The locker room.

"Draco, stop it! You're hurting me, stop!" I sobbed as I held the sides of my head to ease the pressure in my temples. Draco stopped shifting through my thoughts when he had gotten his answers, and the headache finally stopped.

I backed away from fear before the backs of my legs hit his bed. I focused my blurred vision on the blonde. He knew he had just ruined everything between us. The room became very quiet.

"I hate you." I spat at him while my head felt like it could burst from the mental assault. "I hate you, Draco!" I repeated through my tears.

"Rook, you have to understand. I didn't mean-"

"You did!" I screamed. He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes with regret. "I'm leaving," I sniffled before I paced towards the door.

"So, what? I'm just supposed to forget what I saw?" He stepped in front of me to block the door.

"You're just as bad as the others for what you just did to me, so don't fucking act like you care! You never do!" I shouted at him. "All of you abuse everyone around you! It's all you know to do! You just raided my mind against my will, and you expect me to hear you out? Fuck you, Malfoy! You're heartless, and cruel, and I wish I had never met you!"

I grazed my eyes up and down his figure in front of me before my already burning eyes caught the black ink peeking out below his sleeve.

My face shifted. No wonder he didn't care about being such a horrible human being. He already was one. His opposite hand pulled down on the fabric immediately to hide the Mark from me before I shot my eyes back up to his.

"Fine. You're right." He said darkly as he unlocked his door. "Go crawling back." His voice was frustrated from the lack of understanding I had. "You're more delusion than I thought." He scoffed. I rushed past him and towards Graham's room in hopes that he would return soon. Because I knew he'd need me to take care of him after what those two had done.

That was the life I lived. My brain was what Graham had wanted it to be. And I would go back every time because we were in love.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

He didn't come back that night. The only person who would be understanding enough to make all of the pain from today better was Blaise. So I finally gave in and did what I needed to do for myself— despite the pending consequences.

"Why can't anyone just ever leave me alone?" I cried into his familiar shoulder while he rubbed my hair and let me curl up into his side on the bed. "I'm a good person! I- I might not be worth much, but I'm good!"

"Don't say that. You're worth so much, love."

"Why does everyone h-hate me?" I sobbed.

"They don't. I don't. I'm sorry they hurt you, Princess." He whispered. I feared the outcomes of what had happened between Nott and my boyfriend, but I also feared how it would affect his mood. 

Blaise kept his wand close on the bed, not only because he worried Graham would come to take me, but I think he was still on edge after he had been attacked until hospitalization a few days prior.

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