Would you like another shot?

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After Dally had been shot by the police the world started spinning,and eventually the ground came rushing up to me Then it all went dark.

I was in a white room, I could have sworn I passed out. Maybe I did and this was a dream or a  hospital room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes the room was all white but a glowing white. This wasn't a hospital room. A voice began to speak to me, I couldn't see the person but I could hear them.

"Ponyboy, it seems that you have been given a second chance"

"What do you mean? A second chance at what?"

"Making sure Johnny and Dallas live.."

"But how can I-"

"Shush and listen Ponyboy"

I sat there and listened she began to speak slowly and calmly

"Ponyboy, you get one chance to go back and change the outcome of this story, you may go back and find a way to keep Dally and Johnny alive, or you can go back to earth where they are dead. Choice is yours."

The answer I was going to give her was obvious, I needed to go back and change the outcome there's nothing else to be said, they didn't deserve to die, maybe Dally had it coming but Johnny- No Johnny should be there and I was ready to fix it.

"I'll fix my mistakes, send me back to the past"

The voice spoke up

"Of course"


I was back in the church fire, the smoke instantly filled my lungs then I remembered. I looked behind me and saw Johnny.

"Johnny come in front of me!"

I screamed back at him and he complied, this was so that he could get out of the burning church quicker after getting all the pet sperms- I mean children out of the fire. We picked them up one by one, one bit me but I kept going, once the area was clear I yelled

"Johnny quick get out the window, the roofs caving in!"

"I know I'm getting out Pone quick hurry out!"
Johnny yelled back as he started climbing out the window.

"Yeah listen to the kid!"
Dally yelled then tugged Johnny down to the ground

"Hurry pony get out of there!"
Johnny and Dally said simultaneously. I smiled knowing that we would all make it out this time, this time I wouldn't end up with two dead friends in one day-
that was until the pice of wood that hit Johnny came crashing down Knocking me down to the ground.
Oh god...oh God no.. I began to scream for help eventually Dally came in, grabbed me, and dragged me out the church. I could already feel it, Johnnys fate was now mine, while trying to save both of us I created a time paradox that made me take Johnny place. I started bawling like a baby, not even because of the pain, but because I knew what was happening I knew I was going to die.

Would you do it again? (An outsiders fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now