Finally Saved-Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Even though my dad wasn't going to be home, I really wasn't in the mood to go back to that house. Turning left, I continued walking until I came across a sign, that had PARK in big bold letters painted across it.

I've always loved parks. When I was little I used to sneak out of the house, and I would go to the park that was right around the corner of my house. I remember I would always swing on the swings and play on the monkey bars. When I went with my mom, we would play hide and seek and I would hide in the slide.

Entering the park, I looked around at the unfamiliar scenery. This park was much better than the one at my old house. This one had three sets of ten swings, three huge slides, with two sets of monkey bars, a seesaw, and a couple of benches. A couple of kids and their parents were there, along with a girl who looked my age. She was sitting by herself, on one of swings, just dangling her feet, not swinging.

Walking up to her, I took the swing next to her. "Can I sit here?"

Looking up at me, a small smile played upon her lips, "Sure go ahead"

"Thanks" Taking a seat, I slowly started swinging, making sure I didn't get to high.

It was a little awkward just sitting next to the girl, but I didn't let it show. She looked lonely and I know how that feels.

Slowing down the swing, I waited until the swing came to a complete stop. Placing my feet on the ground, I looked at a little girl who was chasing her little brother around. They looked so cute, with matching blonde hair, and big bright smiles plastered on their faces.

"I'm Willow" Looking over at the girl, I met her bright brown eyes. Smiling a small smile, I replied, "I'm Hailey"

"It's nice to meet you. Your new to this town right?" She asked.

Was it that obvious?

"Yeah, moved here a couple days ago. How did you know?" I asked.

"I live in the house next to yours, the big one. I saw you when you were unloading your stuff with your dad" She said, as she started to swing.

That makes more sense. She was one of the girls that was outside. "Oh yeah I remember seeing you. So you know Luke?"

A huge smile appeared on her lips and she nodded her head, "Yeah, he's my older brother, only by a couple months though"

Widening my eyes, I tilted my head. She was Luke's sister? Oh my gosh, I'm talking to my crushes sister!

"Oh, he never mentioned having a sister" I spoke calmly.

Shrugging her shoulders she responded, "Yeah, we aren't really on the best of terms right now. That's why I'm out here, taking a break from all the family crap"

Nodding my head, I took a deep breath. "Wait" Turning to look over at Willow, I raised my eyebrows at her. "Are you the girl, that Luke's going out with this Friday?"

I was sure my cheeks were bright red, biting my lip, I slowly nodded my head.

Squealing, Willow got up from her swing and went in front of me. Placing both of her hands on my shoulders, she smiled.

"How did you know?" I asked.

Still with her hands upon my shoulders, she said, "Well I kind of was eavesdropped on Luke when he was talking to his friends. And he mentioned he was going out with some girl. He didn't say your name but he kind of described you. Just by looking at you, you can tell your a nice, smart, beautiful girl"

"Thank you, but I wouldn't really go that far" Snorting, she shook her head furiously. "No way, I can tell your all of those things. Oh and by the way, I love to read as well"

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