Hearts and Hooves Day

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<Rainbow's POV>

The rays of Celestia's sun were right on my sleeping eyes. I had a feeling that today was gonna be great. So, I decided to wake up. I woke up with a yawn and began stretching my forelegs up.

"Hm... Let's see what's scheduled for today," I said to myself as I flew to the calendar.

I removed the paper that had yesterday's date. February 13. I saw what date it was today and stood there in horror.

"IT'S HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY ALREADY?!?!" I shouted angrily.

I sighed as my back fell on the floor. I HATE HEARTS AND HOOVES DAY!!! Ponies are all lovey-dovey around each other. Good thing that has never happened to me. My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door.

"Huh? Who could that be?" I said to myself.

I opened the door and saw nopony there. But, what I did see was a letter at my doorstep. I closed the door and opened the letter. It said:

Dear Rainbow Dash,

If you want to see who wrote this letter, come meet me inside one of the fanciest restaurants in Canterlot, Canterlot Café at 6:00 PM. I'm sorry I had to write this. I'm quite shy. See you there.


Your Special Somepony

At first, I was confused, so I read the letter again. Once I finished reading it again, my jaw dropped.

"I HAVE A SPECIAL SOMPONY?!" I screamed in my room. Good thing is nopony heard me. Or so I thought.

"GIRLS, DID YOU HEAR WHAT RAINBOW JUST SAY?!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"Sure did, Pinkie. Come on, ya'll. Let's just go see Rainbow personally before she gets mad at us," Another voice said.

I opened the door and saw my five best friends there.

"Howdy, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said.

"Hey guys. I kinda heard what Pinkie said earlier. Don't worry. I'm not mad. Pinkie Pie Promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly and stick a cupcake to my eye!" I assured them.

"But from what we heard, darling, you screamed you had a special somepony. Is that true?" Rarity asked.

"Read this letter, might answer your question," I said.

They all took the letter from my hoof. After a few seconds, I heard Rarity squeal.

"Oh. My. Stars. Rainbow, wherever did you find this letter?" She asked.

"Before you guys arrived, I found it on my doorstep after I heard somepony knock," I told her.

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