Signing Papers

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Three Months Later...

I was silently waiting for Christy to come downstairs. Me and her have been getting along really well now. We were going to go to the fair. I was excited because neither one of us has been to a fair ever since our parents left us, or since they died.

Christy came running down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"Are you ready Alice?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Lets go then. We only have two hours and it takes 15 minutes to get there."

We signed out of the orphanage and started walking to the fair. On the way, we talked about small things.

"Are you excited to be moving in with Dan and Phil?"

"Well, I don't know if they're gonna adopt me or not. I haven't seen them in a week, so it's kind of hard to predict something like that."

"Yeah, I guess."

Speaking of adoption, did that family from last night like you?"

"The Barakats? Yeah, they seemed to love me. We're going out for dinner tomorrow night."

"That's great!"

"I know right! I can't believe that both of us might be adopted."

"I know. I can't believe it either."

We reached the fair and showed the guy our tickets. He rushed us through and we went over to a roller coaster. I laughed at the memory of when Dan told me when they got stuck on a roller coaster and they had to climb out. I had told Christy about it, and she laughed with me. By now we were both laughing in line, smiling at the thought.


We were finished at the fair and heading home, or back to hell I should say. I was kind of hoping that Dan and Phil would adopt me so I could leave that place. We reached the front door and I recognized two heads.

"Dan? Phil? Is that you guys?"

They turned around and sure enough, Dan and Phil were standing there with huge grins on their faces. I ran up and hugged them both. I turned back to Christy to see her smiling and giggling. I smiled back before opening the door. I let Dan and Phil go in first. I followed after, Christy behind me. She disappeared upstairs and into her room. I walked behind Dan and Phil into the main office. They started talking to Kayla, and Kayla handed them papers. I saw them sign things, and then turn back to me.

"Are you ready to have two dads?"

Adopted by Dan and Phil (danisnotonfire & AmazingPhil)Where stories live. Discover now