Chapt 3

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~Lex P.O.V.~

Oh god. Oh god. Im going to face my bully anytime soon! What is my lifeee????

" Hey uncle Simon!" I heard a voice say. Shiiitttt.

" Hello Louis, boys meet my niece Lexi." Uncle Simon introduced me.

I waved at them with a nervous smile.

" Why are you even here?" Harry said with a cold voice.

" Urm.... Harry thats my niece you are speaking to!!" Simon exclaimed.

"Uncle Simon you need to know something. Harry has been my bully before, not Phsically but emotionally." I told Simon.

I left the room leaving the other boys dumbfounded.

*Harry P.O.V.*


I didnt mean to say that!

It must be because of how many years i have bullied her i just happen to be mean to her.

Shit. now i have to face Simon.

I looked at him with his face red. Boiling with anger.

"I am dropping One Direction from SyCo records this instant!"

He boome leaving all of us.


Oooooooooh the cliffhangerrrr. Whats gonna happen to One Direction?

Anyways to all those who have questions for me, just kik me @DeeitsMeee1D :D

~ Carrots and Kevinnn


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