Jake showed his true colors when Max told him that she's pregnant and since then he has cut all ties with her. At first, Max was heartbroken that he didn't want nothing to do her or the baby, but she knows that she doesn't need his help to raise the baby she has her three best friends and... Maya in her life.

Max couldn't help but smile when she thinks of Maya ever since the two talked they been spending time together sometimes it will be with El, Robin, and Nancy or surprisingly Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas or it just be her and Maya hanging out together.

Max never thought she'd become friends with Mike, Will, Dustin, and Lucas. Sure, she and El know who the three boys are since they attended the same elementary school and anytime they went over to Nancy house when Nancy was still living with her parents. Max and El would hear the boy's downstairs playing DND but they were never invited to play with them or had a conversation with them. But now that's changed since Maya entered the picture. In fact, sometimes Max and El would watch them play DND but not participate since they had no clue how to play the game Maya offered to teach Max and El to play but the two declined just because they are watching didn't mean they wanted to learn how to play.


"Max! El is waiting for you?" Max's mom says.

"Uh, yeah. Just a sec!" Max answers pulling out the pillow and throwing it back on her bed just in time before her mom opened the door.

"Have you lost weight, Max?" Max's mom asks worriedly, "I don't think so. Probably just a trick of the light." Max lied as she put on her jacket and a scarf because of the cold weather.

"Okay." Max's mom says, "Bye mom." Max said kissing her mom on the cheek and leaves her room but not before grabbing her backpack.

"Also, I'm eating at El for dinner, so don't you and dad worry if I'm late." Max reminds her mom, "Wait Max." Max mom calls out.

"Yeah mom." Max says facing her mom, "I just want to tell you how proud your father and I are of you. It's your final year of high school and now you're going to college. We're so proud of you." Max's mom says and embraces Max.

"Proud of me? Would you still be proud of me if you found out that I'm pregnant?"

Max hugs her mom feeling guilty that she's let her parents down by being pregnant and scared that her parents will not only just be disappointed but disown her.


Biology Class

"Well, well. Look who's now Ms. Popular." I snickered quietly when one of our classmates turned around in her seat and winked at Maya.

This was the millionth person I had seen do something flirtatious to Maya and we're just in fourth period I can't imagine how many more girls or boys are going to continue to flirting with her. But watching that really bugged me. I mean can't the girls flirt with Jake also they don't even know if Maya is interested in girls.

Maya groaned ducking her head further down, "It's not that. Coach announced to the team last week during practice that to get Homecoming game attendance up on Saturday that he picked me and Jake and that everyone else's ticket will be drawn in a raffle to win a free date with either me or Jake if they went. Steve tried to change coach mind, but coach wouldn't listen." Maya explains pouting. I had to bite my lip to keep myself from bursting out laughing and resulted in Maya frowning and pitching my arm as payback. I yelped quietly, not wanting the teacher to hear us Maya moved her chair over putting more space between us.

"You're supposed to be supportive." Maya reminds me, "Says who? I think this is funny." I grinned.

"You know what else is funny? El entered your name under her ticket." Maya smirks enjoying the look on my face I frowned and shot El a glare over my shoulder who is smiling innocently as Robin laughs. I look back at Maya, "You know I'll run your wallet dry on the date." I say.

One Night/ Max Mayfield x OC FemWhere stories live. Discover now