Chapter 4

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October 18th, 1954

Rose's POV:

Today El and I were leaving to go to Florida on tour with Colonel and Hank Snow. I was at Elvis's house having breakfast while waiting for Scotty and Bill to get there so we could leave. I was so excited about this tour and to share this experience with my friends. Scotty and Bill show up and bring their suitcases from Scotty's car. EL and I load up all of our suitcases on top of Elvis's car.

"Well, I think that's all the suitcases," I said tugging on the rope to make sure it was tight

Elvis kissed his mama goodbye and promised to call her every night and Vernon and Dodger hugged me goodbye. After I said my goodbyes, I joined Scotty and Bill in the car taking the front seat. Before Elvis got in the car Dixie stopped him and kissed him goodbye causing me to roll my eyes.

"Looks like someone's jealous "Bill taunted from the backseat

"Oh, shut up I am not jealous," I said

El gets into the car and turns the key

"You ready Bumble bee?" Elvis asked

"I'm ready," I said with a smile

-Time skip-

I lay on my bed in my hotel room flipping through magazines bored out of my mind. For some reason, the events from last night kept playing in my head Elvis and I almost kissing, and El calling me his girl by mistake or at least I think it was a mistake. I got up and put on a black lace dress and some flats and went to Elvis's room. Once I got to his room, I noticed he was on the phone looks like he was talking to Dixie about Prom next week, after he hung up, I knocked on the door a couple of times.

"Quit knocking on my door Scotty," Elvis said opening the door, surprised to see me

"Hey, I saw you were on the phone, so I waited till you hung up, can I come in?" I said

"yeah Bum-bumble bee "Elvis said stuttering

He steps aside letting me in and I notice him looking at my dress as he closes the door.

"You like it?" I asked in a flirty tone

"Hmm it looks nice on you," Elvis said glancing up and down at the dress

What I was about to do next was something very unladylike of me, but I didn't care all I wanted was El. I slowly grab my dress strap and drag it off my shoulders exposing my chest a little, Elvis looks at me for a second before going back to watching me as I slowly begin taking off my dress and flats. Before I know it we begin to make out and have sex on his bed he slowly glides his hand on my thigh as I take his shirt off and we continue to have sex. I know I should feel wrong for having sex with my best friend when he has a girlfriend, but this is the best feeling in the whole world. After our little session we laid down and I put my head on Elvis's chest hearing his heartbeat. A couple of minutes later Elvis says something.

"That was amazing especially since it was my first '' Elvis said

"Wait this was your first time? I thought you and Dixie slept together" I asked sitting up

"No, we've only made out," Elvis said bending down to get his shirt off the floor

"Oh, so y'all are going to Prom together huh?" I asked

"Yeah, we are, but I'm breaking up with her after Prom," Elvis said

"What, why?" I asked confused

"Because it would be wrong of me to date her knowing that I'm in Love with you," Elvis said

"You're in love with me?" I said with a smile

"I 've always been, bumble bee " Elvis said sitting down

"I feel the same way," I said

"You do?" Elvis asked

I nod my head "yes"

we share a small kiss before going to sleep. This was shaping up to be the start of a great tour and it was about to better.

A/N: Heyy guys , so this is a short chapter due to my laptop is now messing up and I don't feel like trying to write more it crashing so the next chapter will be the Colonel talking to them and prom as well. okay byeeeee.

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