"You know everything?" Lu Yicheng's face was filled with shock, just like Lin Nuan in his previous life.

    "Yes, I know it all." Lin Nuan didn't hide anything, looked at Lu Yicheng and said, "I also know that you wanted to kidnap me and get close to me just to use me."

    Lu Yicheng's eyes were cold at this moment like a knife. "How do you know all this?" He looked at Lin Nuan and asked.

    Lin Nuan didn't answer, but her eyes darkened at this moment. How did she know all this? She only knew it after experiencing it all herself. But she didn't say this.

    She just looked at Lu Yicheng and said word by word: "I know you hate my father and want to take revenge on him."

    As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Yicheng looked at her and asked, "Should I hate him? If it wasn't for Him, why did my father die? How did our family become like this?" What

    Lu Yicheng said was the truth, Lin Nuan had no way to refute it. He could only look at him and say, "I'm sorry."

    "Sorry? Can your apology cancel all of this?" Lu Yicheng looked at her and asked.

    "I know I can't." Lin Nuan said, "But that man is my father, no matter what he did, he is my father. If you want to hurt him, you will never allow it."

    "You won't allow it? Lu Yicheng sneered, "What do you want to do? Go and tell your father that Lu Qiming's son is back, do you want to take revenge on him?"

    Lin Nuan didn't speak, just looked at him, watching his gradually distorted due to hatred. Face.

    It took her a long time to ask, "Is revenge really that important to you?"

    Lu Yicheng didn't answer, but just looked at her. In his mind, he thought of Chu Yufei at that moment, and thought of what she asked him that night: "Is revenge really that important to you?" His answer at that time was: "I , I lived to avenge Lin Zhiming."

    He thought, it was because of his answer that Chu Yufei left him. But he never thought that Chu Yufei chose to be with Lin Yang.     It turned out to be Lin Yang, Lin Zhiming's son. That's why he went to the bar to drink that night. With a fever, he drank several glasses in a row. In the end, my body couldn't hold on anymore, and I passed out.     It was at that time that Lin Nuan appeared. She took him to the hospital and nursed him for another night. He had actually seen her in a daze at the moment before he passed out, but he had been unwilling to admit it...     it was Lin Nuan, Lin Zhiming's daughter.     This world is too ridiculous.

    Just as he was silent, Lin Nuan stood up, looked at her and said, "I know that a single apology cannot offset the damage my father caused to your family. But just like you wanted to avenge your father, I Also protect my father. I won't allow anyone to hurt him." After Lin Nuan finished speaking, she walked out of the coffee shop. She has no way to erase the mistakes her father made twenty years ago, but she has already repaid them all in her previous life. Leaking company secrets and causing her father to commit suicide by jumping off a building, all this is enough to offset. So in this life, let her guard her father and her family well.

    When Lin Nuan walked out of the coffee shop, a ray of sunlight happened to shine on her body. Although it is a bit harsh, it is also very warm. She suddenly thought of Pei Xu, and what he said to her yesterday. He thought that it was because of those words that gave her the courage to face Lu Yicheng today.     Lin Nuan took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Pei Xu and tell him all about it. But just as she was about to make a call, she thought of Grandma Pei again. In the past few days, because she has been busy with Lin Yang and Chu Yufei's affairs, she has not visited her in the hospital. I don't know, how is her body? Is there any better?     Thinking of this, Lin Nuan put down her phone and walked into the car.     When Lin Nuan arrived at the hospital, Grandma Pei had just finished her lunch, and Pei Shan was walking out with the tableware. Seeing her, Pei Shan was very surprised: "Sister Lin Nuan, why are you here?"     Pei Xu was originally standing beside Grandma Pei watching the drip, but when she heard Pei Shan's voice, she immediately turned around.     Lin Nuan's gaze also fell on him at this time, but she quickly looked at Pei Shan and said, "I'm here to see grandma."     Pei Shan smiled, then turned to look at Grandma Pei and said "Grandma, Sister Lin Nuan is here to see you."     Grandma Pei also sat up from the bed at this moment, she looked at Lin Nuan and shouted, "Nuan Nuan."     Lin Nuan nodded, then walked over to ask Said: "Grandma, are you better?"     "I'm much better." Grandma Pei said with a smile: "The doctor said, I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Being Spoiled by the Villain after RebirthWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu