Comenzar desde el principio

"To be honest, I think you should study seriously instead of cheating with the pencil. You don't know if you'll have it for the following ones, nor you know if they're going to be made up of multiple answer questions. If you don't study for months, things will just go downhill."

"But why is it ok if Shin-chan uses it to cheat?!"

"I don't cheat, nanodayo. I study everything, I keep it just to check a few answers."

Takao, upset to say the least, sits in silence and stares at you. On his forehead, a state-of-the-art led screen accuses you of being the worst buzzkill to ever exist on this planet.

"I have an idea. Since both you and Kise are in this situation, we could create a study group together! This way, Shintaro and I can help you be ready for the upcoming exams."

"We still have to study, though."

Gosh, that hawk can be very stubborn at times.

"Yes, we'll study. But once we're done we can do whatever we want and have fun! What do you think?"

"Well, if you put it this way... still better than studying alone in my bedroom."

"Great, let me tell Kise. We could meet at my place at-"

"Don't count me in."

The only reason why you haven't already slapped Midorima for interrupting people is the fact that you're used to it.

"Why not?"

"It's a pointless waste of my precious time. I want to study alone."

"Fine, then."


When the doorbell rings you open the door to the first come, Kise.

"Hi, (Name-cchi)! You're my saviour!"

"No problem. The programs of Kaijo and Shutoku High should be similar, we'll manage to cover every topic."

"Is Takao-kun already here?"

"No, he should be here in a bit. Have a seat." – you say pointing at the living room table, already adorned with books, notebooks, pens and highlighters.

A second "ding dong" echoes in the room and you open the door to let the last member of the study group in.

"Hi Kazunari! And... Shintaro?! Didn't you say that you wanted to study alone?"

"Someone needed a certain lucky item, but he wouldn't have it unless he accepted to participate to the study group." – Takao explains with a smirk, extremely satisfied for bringing Midorima to this meeting.

"But if you really didn't want to come here, you could have asked someone else to bring you the lucky item, couldn't you?" – you ask to the visibly-annoyed green-haired boy.

"The others have hung up on him! Hahahaha! He has been paid back in kind!"


"Come on, don't yell at me like this, Shin-chan. You have no one to blame but yourself." – Takao provokes him, making him even angrier. You'd better get started before Midorima definitely loses it.

"Ah, Midorima-cchi! You're here, too." – Kise exclaims noticing him.

"Shut up, Kise. I was forced to be here, but I'll use this situation to let out my annoyance on you slackers. I'll teach you how you properly study." – he declares, shooting cold glances at the poor students.

"R-right, now that we're all ready to begin, we can start! Maths?"

"You really want to put us in trouble, don't you (Name-chan)?" – Takao asks, already fed up.

"I know that you both struggle with it, so let's deal with it first and stop thinking about it."

"Right. Midorima-cchi, (Name-cchi): we're in your hands."

You and Midorima take your notes and explain to your friends all the necessary formulas, adding thousands of examples to make the concepts clear. You're a patient teacher, but the same can't be said for Midorima, that looks down on whoever asks "stupid" questions. When they start doing exercises things don't go any better and Midorima's screams resound:



"Start over!"

To avoid hearing him shout more, Takao and Kise put all their efforts in Maths, managing to solve those equations in a decent amount of time. A break is what they now need to cope with all that tension.

"I'm so tireeeeeddd!" – Takao exclaims, keeling over the table.

"Me tooooooo..."- Kise whispers in the same position.

"You really are exhausted, aren't you?" – you state, feeling sorry for your friends.

"Indeed! Could you take it easy a little bit, Shin-chan?"

"No. Without strictness you'll go nowhere. Now get ready for Japanese History."

The two poor guys have no choice but to open their books again and read the first chapter. It'll be a looooooong afternoon.


The study date is finally over and afternoons like this are repeated basically every day. Takao and Kise turned out to be great students and they learned every topic thanks to your crash course. Midorima decided to stay, finding in the study group a way to be cruel and feel legitimized about it. You have no doubt that they'll pass the exams and this is probably the end of the study group: to avoid experiencing this hell a second time, they'll study properly on their own.

(ENG) KUROKO NO BASKET ONESHOTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora