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"Number one, number one," Stella repeated. She was trying to find her own apartment. Bob and Stella split up, as Bob has his own apartment, he managed to find his.

"Here we go," Stella said to herself. She found the apartment. As she was pulling up into the driveway, she realized there was another car parked in front of her's. She got the keys out of the ignition, got out of the car, and got her bags out. She walked slowly, just in case there was someone already in there. She knocked on the door. A few seconds later, a girl with black hair opened the door, she was at least five foot six, which was tall to her as Stella is only five foot four. Her brother Bob is around six foot.

"Hello? You must be Stella. I'm Katie, I'm your roommate." Katie said, opening the door fully to let Stella in.

"Hi, yeah I'm Stella. I just thoug-"

"You'll have your own apartment? Yeah everyone thought that, but it turns out you have at least one roommate as these apartments are huge. Here, I'll help you with your bags." Katie interrupted Stella.

Katie picked up half her bags and started walking. Stella followed her, her eyebrows furrowed as she doesn't know where Katie is possibly going. "This is your bedroom, don't worry it's the exact same as mine," Katie explained. Stella put her bags down on the bed and smiled at Katie.

"Thank you, Katie. I guess we'll have to get used to it, being roommates. The only roommate I had before was my twin brother." Stella explained.

"Oh that's cool, are you close with your brother?" Katie said sitting down on Stella's bed. Stella nodded. "Yeah we are close, we wanted our own apartments but our parents surprised us with a two-bedroom and two-bathroom apartment for our eighteenth birthday. Then after, my parents moved to South Africa." Stella added, also sitting down on the bed.

"South Africa, that's a nice country," Katie replied. Stella nodded and was about to say something when her phone started ringing.

"Hey Bob, what's up?" Stella said looking at Katie and smiling. As Bob was talking, she mouthed to her that it was her brother. Katie nodded back.

"We're going to the Hard Deck now, remember?" Bob replied on the phone.

"Oh, yeah. I'll meet you there then. Bye." Stella said hanging up the phone. "We're going to the Hard Deck, do you want to come with us?" Stella said standing up. "Sure," Katie replied, already in her flight suit and her black hair in a half-up half down.

"My car or your car?" they said at the same time. They started laughing.

"We can take my car," Katie said. Katie had a Tesla, but a different model and color than Bob's car. They walked out of the apartment, locked the door, got into the car, and started making their way to the very popular bar.


Parking the car, they finally arrived. Bob saw Stella in the Tesla Katie was driving, and decided to wait out front for Stella.

"Hey, Bob. You changed into your flight suit!" Stella said getting out of the car with a wide smile. Bob nodded. He was quiet as Katie was there. "Katie this is Robert, my brother, Robert this is Katie, my roommate and new friend," Stella said, introducing them.

Bob adjusted his glasses and put his hands in his pockets. "You can call me Bob," Bob said looking down at the concrete ground underneath them. Katie nodded and smiled. "Do you have a nickname?" Bob asked, trying not to give away that he's quite shy with new people. "Yeah, you can call me Kat or Kate, I don't mind," Katie explained. "And you guys can call me Stells," Stella added, trying to get rid of the awkwardness. "Shall we go in?" Stella asked. Katie and Bob both nodded.

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