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It is dark, I can't see a thing. I try looking around for any clues, any signs of where I am. I start walking with my hands in front of me as if I'm searching for something until I feel a cold metallic surface not too far away from where I was. I spin on my heels and walk slowly towards the other direction. One step, two steps, three. I hit another wall. My eyes widen. How is this even possible? How did I get here? My mind starts rumbling with questions.

            Suddenly, I hear a loud shriek of an engine and I feel as the room I'm in starts moving upwards. Where is this taking me? I start feeling kind of dizzy. My legs start shivering as if they can't support me anymore. My breathing is heavy and as my chest rapidly rises and falls I try to grasp something. But I found nothing. I start walking backwards until I hit the metallic wall again. My arms expanded against it as if I was a bird about to fly. But that wasn't the case; I was trapped. As I stood there, my eyes started moving around the room quickly looking for something. In the corner of my eye, I glimpsed a figure. I rapidly separate from the wall trying to escape but my legs fail in the attempt and I fall into the ground. I pull myself up with my arms but stay seated and I crawl towards a corner and hug my legs against my chest. The dizzy feeling comes again, but this time, worse than before. My breathing becomes unstable and I feel as if something is draining the oxygen out of the room slowly. I scratch my neck vigorously in need for air. My hands dart up to my hair and I start tugging at it like crazy. My eyes well up in tears as I pray for this hell to end.

            Between loud sobs and desperate breaths I hear a loud 'Ding'. I straighten my head and see, in one of the walls a thin line of light. The wall starts opening more and more and gradually letting more light enter the once, dark room. I blink several times in order for my eyes to adapt to the light and I see a group of people dressed in suits and ties observing me quizzically. I stand up and tug at my clothes. My breath becoming stable again and mind clear as I recognize where I am.

"Are you going up?" One of the men asks as he enters the elevator with the others following him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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