Naruto:if you want that story ask the Hokage cause i sure as hell won't but she'll tell you I'm already a chunnin

Kakashi:well let me congratulate you on that but Naruto even as a chunnin you still have a lot to learn

Jiraiya:yeah like the sage mode!

*Naruto just chuckled as he cracked his neck*

Naruto:you mean the same sage mode that you Kakashi has never even learned how to do and that you Jiraiya have never even after decades of training managed to achieve ?

*Jiraiya grew a tick mark it pissed him off that Naruto was being cool and collected like he was in control of the situation*

Jiraiya: I'll have you known brat that i was the one that trained your father on the sage mode!

Naruto:and yet he didn't use the sage mode against the masked man now known as Tobi bang up job there he really was one of the smartest Hokage we ever had

Kakashi:Naruto that was uncalled for

Jiraiya: yeah you...!!

Naruto;oh i know your not gonna talk where Were you on that night? Surely having one of the sannin here in the village would have helped against such a beast

Kakashi:your bias is showing Naruto

Naruto:you mean about baachan? No since by then baachan had left the village years before out of grief over the loss of Dan what's your excuse Jiraiya off peeking on woman hot springs or maybe writing another one of your garbage books ?

*Jiraiya was angry, no he was livid at words coming out of Naruto's mouth what made him even more mad was that Naruto still didn't show any emotions he remained calm as if what he was saying didn't deserve any sort of emotion as if it was just the facts of the past, Kakashi got in between the two having to be the voice of reason so that the two won't move from words to fists*

Kakashi: enough both of you we're getting out of topic Naruto you must have a sensei still there's still the rank of jounin having the sage mode mastered would help tremendously at gaining that rank

Naruto:i absolutely agree with you on that tatement

*Jiraiya huffed and then smirked as he got in front of Naruto"

Jiraiya:then I'll be your teacher again don't worry it only took your father 6 months to achieve it I'm sure you'll get it I'm 12 if your lucky

*Jiraiya said in good humor and a bit of still anger for the insults Naruto threw at him as for Naruto he just sighed got up and sat down on the floor on a meditating position closing his eyes Naruto remained  absolutely still in order to be one with nature and balance the natural energy with their own physical and spiritual energies, Jiraiya eyes widen as he and Kakashi could feel the power coming from Naruto as his skin losses all his pigment turning snow white whole spots of light blue appeared in spots of his body his eyes was surrounded by this blue while his signature whiskers turned thicker and got covered in the blueness, out of Naruto's head two slug antenna appeared as he grew a large slug tail, Naruto got up and opened his eyes, his eyes were different shades of light blue as he crossed his arms*

*Jiraiya said in good humor and a bit of still anger for the insults Naruto threw at him as for Naruto he just sighed got up and sat down on the floor on a meditating position closing his eyes Naruto remained  absolutely still in order to be one w...

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Naruto:but then again why do i need your help when im a much better teacher then the both of you put together

*To say Kakashi and Jiraiya were speechless would be the understatement to end all understatements as Naruto transformed back to his normal state he sat back down to his couch and waited for them to regain there senses*

Naruto:how long? I did it in a week you can ask the Hokage if you don't believe me i honestly couldn't care less as for the rank of jounin well i believed i proved that I'm more then qualified to take the test if not for the sage mode then for this

*4 chakra chains appeared behind Naruto and wrapped themselves around the two*

Naruto:i outgrew both of you never and i mean ever tell me to be your student again since i don't need you I'm a self taught Shinobi

Naruto:i outgrew both of you never and i mean ever tell me to be your student again since i don't need you I'm a self taught Shinobi

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*Naruto threw them out of his compound just as Shizune walked inside*

Shizune:what was that about?

Naruto:same old bullshit they always spit don't worry about it now my beautiful princess why are you here?

*Shizune blushed at the name and played with her hair a little*

Shizune:w..well I've calmed down a bit after the whole anko situation and since your back i wanted to spend some time with you

Naruto:is that a fact? Well i want the same thing so how about se just rest on the couch and cuddle while we read a book?

Shizune: I couldn't think of a better thing to do

*They hugged each other as they rest on the couch Shizune snuggling up on Naruto's chest hearing his heartbeat giving her a sense of calmness inside her as she feels Naruto's arms wrapped around her*



Naruto:i.....i love you

*Naruto said but a whisper but Shizune heard it clear as day she blushed but then a soft smile appeared on her face*

Shizune:i love you too Naruto

Naruto:stay and live with me


*Shizune yawned more tired then she thought they never got to read a book as they fell asleep in each other's arms*

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Ricardo Cano

Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi


José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Abhinav Puri

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy


Jameil fluker



For you're donations thanks again

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