They seemed to chuckle slightly as they turned on their heel. My hands clenching so hard they nearly drew blood from my palms, as I saw their face. A face that mimicked mine, a body that matched my own, except with that dark taint. Their eyes met mine, and they laughed.

"Hello, Y/n."

I had to force myself to hold my ground, so I wouldn't flee. I couldn't run, not here, no matter what I did I would have to face him eventually. So I kept a neutral stare as I attempted to hold a steady tone.

"Why are you here?" I asked more as a demand than a real question.

He chuckled, "Oh, you'll soon see that I am much harder to get rid of than you may think. As I said before, you and I are connected in more ways than you could ever imagine." he snickered. "But I must say, you're ill advised journey to that pit, did aid in my recovery. Honestly you should have just let the satyr get dragged down below, not worth the effort to try and save him in my opinion. But I suppose if you had not followed you would have never come close enough for that darkness to reach you. And I would not be standing here in such a refined state."

The memory of my trepidation outside that cave came back to me. Each side of my soul pulling away or towards those depths. And the pain of that darkened tendril made itself remembered, as I stared back at them.

"How did you do it?"

"Hmm?" she asked, her voice fluctuating back into a more feminine tone.

"The tentacle." I clarified.

"Oh, that." she smirked. "Honestly I would like to say that I lured you there, through some long thought out scheme. But in truth, it was all accidental. And that insolent child, toying with things he doesn't understand, somehow managed to fumble his way into bringing you four into that cavern."

"Child?" I asked confused, "You mean the voice in the pit."

He brushed my comment aside as he continued. "And that realm far below, just happened to feel your energy and reached out towards it. Drawing you in because it sensed that we are a part of it."

I looked back at him as I took an unconscious step away, fearing that there was something more I didn't quite understand. But frankly I was tired of not understanding who I was, or even what I was, I wanted answers and God help me I was going to get them.

"What was down that pit?" I asked in a commanding tone.

They smirked again. "Did your little friend not inform you? It was Tartarus, the realm of monsters, disease, and despair. Such a cute little realm, I must say."

"I'm not talking about that, stop dancing around the question." I demanded. "Where did that darkness come from, the tentacle that attacked me?"

I clenched my fists, this time not stepping back, but forward. "I want to know who I am! I deserve to know. My dad refused to even talk about. My friends don't have a clue, and I barely know where to start. I don't know where this darkness came from, or where my powers originate, but you know the answers. And I demand to know!" I let out a deep breath. "What was down that pit."

They laughed. "Answers huh? You want answers."

I nodded hesitantly, unsure if they were actually, entertaining my demands.

"I suppose it won't exactly matter in a bit, but if you truly want to know, we have to start at the beginning."


They nodded. "You mother,"

I felt the breath tighten in my throat.

"She was the one who caused you to become what you are. Allowed us to be joined together, and what has caused your life so much anguish."

Percy Jackson x Male Reader The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now