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i can't believe i'm spending my whole summer LEARNING. what am i gonna say when somebody asks me what i did this summer? algebra?

9:12 PM

EBONY: "when was you gon tell me you goin ta summer camp?"

BRI: "summer camp? i thought you cheated on the test, how'd you still fail?"

Y/N: "BRI!"

BRI: "sorry"

EBONY: "oh so y'all cheatin on tests now?"

Y/N: "i-"

EBONY: "we gotta be at tha airport at 10, bri grab ma keys n get in da car. y/n you best stay prayed up n go pack yo shit."

Y/N: "fine."

EBONY: "and don't go rollin ya eyes at me li girl. i brought you into this world n i can take you out of it real quick."

Y/N: "please do."

i whispered to myself as i walked upstairs. i stayed in my room peaking out my window waiting for them to leave. i got out a suitcase from under my bed and opened it to start packing while listening to music.

11:00 PM

SINCERE: "we're homee!"


i ran downstairs and gave her the biggest hug.
she came up to my room for us to catch up n talk to eachother for a while

SINCERE: "how's you n dd?"

Y/N: "we don't talk anymore."

SINCERE: "i thought you liked himmm"

Y/N: "i did.. how's you n kyyrooo"

SINCERE: "we're okayy. he's coming down next week after his final exam to see y'all"

Y/N: "oh i forgot to tell you.."

SINCERE: "wassup?"

Y/N: "i'm going to summer camp.."

SINCERE: "you're kidding."

Y/N: "nuh uh. i'm leaving tmr"

SINCERE: "bitch i just got here"

Y/N: "rightt"

SINCERE: "i'll drop you off then, kay?

Y/N: "sure"

SINCERE: "get some sleep, i'll wake you up at 7"

Y/N: "goodnight love you"

sincere stood up from my bed and blew me a kiss as she turned off the lights and shut the door behind her after leaving the room.

8:02 AM

everyone sat in pairs on the bus after saying our goodbyes. everyone but me ofcs. until dd showed up late and had to sit next to me. we gave eachother an akward smile before he put his bag down in front of him.

summer camp :: dd osamaWhere stories live. Discover now