You're not smiling anymore.

A smile slowly formed on my face and I waved to Katsuki-kun. He didn't completely let go of his questioning gaze when he saw me smile but rested his expression and shook his head lightly.

We both had a lot going on in our heads but no one to talk to about it.

So that's what we did.

Five minutes later, Katsuki and I were sitting at a quiet table at the far end of the party hall. A glass of grape juice in both our hands and we both looked like we were trying our best not to sulk.

"This party sucks." I say in an attempt to be the first one to break the tense silence.

Katsuki took another lazy sip of his grape juice and just hummed in agreement. I stared at him blankly for a few seconds before softly shaking my head and looking away. If he doesn't want to talk then I have absolutely no problem in keeping my mouth shut and having a quiet sulking time.

"Wise Idiot... You're wise, right?"

"Depends on the weather."

"Then what do you have to say about the relationship between Midoriya and All Might."

I stared at the drink sitting in front of me on the table for a few seconds. My eyes trailing down at the same pace as the drop of water that trailed down the glass because of the condensation caused by the cold juice and the heat of the party hall.

Ironic of how a glass of juice made me realize he was over here in this party hall.

"Seems like a favorite child type of relationship to me." I muttered out, not taking a sip of the juice. "All Might likes Midoriya because they have similar quirks."

"Exactly... they have similar quirks... and now All Might's is gone." Katsuki suddenly said at a more energetic volume than before. He turned to look towards me with his hands pointed out to the table as if he showed an important point. "Then there was that one villain who could steal quirks. You know that guy, right?"

"Yeah. He was pretty tall."

"That's not my point... Do you not see a connection?"

"All Might's tall as well but then Midoriya's short. Plus Midoriya's got green hair. I mean... there's no way All Might's Midoriya's birth father."

"You're an idiot."

I gave Kasuki a dirty look from the corner of my eyes. He didn't seem to have noticed or probably chose to ignore it as he looked away from me with a look of no hope.

I'm not done completing my investigation on All Might's relationship with All For One. So I can not provide Katuski with any of my true thoughts regarding this situation. Besides there's a high chance that MIdoriya's power may have something to do with defeating All For One. Defeating that man is a major purpose of my mission.

I can't drag Katuski in this anymore.

The same way I dragged Shoto into a path of danger without him even realizing how dangerous my presence with him was.

Don't cry. You can't show any signs of weakness yet. You have to act unbothered.


I raised an eyebrow towards Midoriya and Katsuki looked at him from the corner of his eyes as Midoriya approached our table. Midoriya scratched the back of his neck, a look of concern slowly crawling up his face.

"Where's Todoroki?" He asked, making my heart get caught in my throat in panic. "I saw him walk out of the hall with you early but you're the only one who has returned."

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