Chapter One-A boy in the Village; London; 1243

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Joseph walked slowly.

      He smelled the aromas of the fresh food that wafted from the Markets. Grocers yelled out their wares, as the Villagers walked around from stall to stall, eager to pay for items they needed for the week. Joseph stared at the food, but he didn't have any pounds to eat...or drink.


Suddenly a group of Crusade Knights on brown colored horses rode into the Village. Their silver colored helmets gleamed in the hot sunlight; their silver colored surcoats also gleamed.

          Around their slim waists were cotton belts.

          And grey colored chainmail completed the picture of regal authority over the Villagers, as they all served King James and Queen Margaret.

             On their feet were flat black colored boots.

            And, by their right-side, were silver colored swords.

            "MAKE WAY FOR PRINCE JOHN!", a Knight yelled.

            And, as the Villagers ran away in terror, Joseph stood still. He watched the Knight Leader's intense gaze.

            "MAKE WAY!", the Knight Leader yelled again. Joseph didn't move. He watched. He continued watching, as if he wasn't concerned by the impending threat.

             "Nice horse!", Joseph said.

            "DON'T TOUCH MY HORSE, VILLAGER!", The Knight Leader screamed. Joseph shrugged, and patted the horse's nose with his right hand.

             The Knight Leader grabbed his sword.

             "ARREST THE BOY!", he screamed again.

              Then Joseph kicked the Knight Leader's sword out of his right hand with his left boot. It thudded to the cobbled ground, and fell loudly next to the Orphan's feet.

The Villagers' laughs at the strange sight they'd had just seen, caused the Knight Leader to become enraged.

                "TAKE HIM TO THE CASTLE!", the Knight Leader screamed again.

                And, with that, Joseph Elort was taken away by force...without any further incident.


The Castle was enormous.

               Joseph Elort wasn't nervous.

                He knew that what he'd had done was wrong, but he didn't care. He had nothing to lose. He was an Orphan...And he wasn't regal.


The Knight Leader got off his horse. He made sure the animal was secured with brown colored rope. The other Knights followed as well.

                 "Now, boy, what's your name?", The Knight Leader asked.

                "Joseph Elort M'Lord", Joseph answered.  "Lord. I'm not a Lord; I'm a Knight Leader, of the Crusades. My name is Charles", he said.

                "So? I'm not of regal stock; I'm an Orphan", Joseph Elort said.

                 "No family?", Knight Leader Charles enquired.

               "Nay. My parents were murdered by Normans. They hanged them for not paying taxes to King Banford, The Strong", Joseph Elort said, truthfully.

              "That brute. I'm sorry, boy. If we let you inside, you must abide by our rules", Knight Leader Charles said.

             "Aye", Joseph Elort said, and smiled.


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