Luke turned around, giving the boys an annoyed look. "Because you can't order crispy fries without first ordering fries."

"Why not?"

"Get them away from me Taylor," Luke said.

Taylor scoffed at the diner owner, "have some respect. These boys have just completed the first leg of their outdoor survival training."

"Meaning you had them sit under a tree and glue rocks together for two hours," Luke asked him.

"You're a very jaded man Luke. WHat happened to you as a child?"

"Some creepy guy in shorts and knee socks tried to sit me under a tree and glue rocks together for two hours. Put that down!" Luke yelled at one of the kids who was trying to take a donut.


"Because otherwise you're going under it."

The boy looked confused, "I won't fit."

Cassie laughed at him. "Oh yes you will," Luke told him. The phone began ringing, taking Luke's attention off of all the craziness happening in his diner.

Cassie sat in her seat, watching as her mom took 3 donuts for them to eat during the drive to Chilton. She put them into a small bag, and just as she was about to turn around Luke began yelling.

"This is unbelievable! You won't ever change, will you?" he yelled and Cassie's eyes widened. "Okay, fine. Do what you want, make the arrangements. Now I'm working, we'll finish this up later," He snapped before hanging up the phone. He turned, seeing that everyone was looking at him.

"Is everything okay?"

Luke sighed, "Do you have a sister?"

"I do," The first boy said as he raised his hand.

"So do I," Cassie added as she winked at Rory.

"You both have my sympathies."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," The boy said before receiving a high five from Cassie.

"Come on, let's go," Rory groaned, his patience disappearing completely.

Cassie let out her own groan of annoyance as she picked up her backpack and adjusted her skirt before following Lorelai and Rory out of Luke's.


The sound of three girls squealing annoying echoed down the halls of Chilton as Madeline, Louise, and Cassie reunited. It had been an entire two weeks since the three of them had seen each other due to Cassie's house arrest. Paris stood behind them with an annoyed look on her face as the three girls hugged.

"It's been too long," Madeline laughed as she hugged.

"Yeah, what was up with the house arrest?" Louise asked her.

"Lorelai," Cassie shrugged.

"Well now that you're back in the real world we have tons to fill you in on," Louise told her and Cassie's interest peaked.

"Oh tons of gossip," Paris said in her usual sour tone.


"Cassidy," Paris nodded at her. "Did you get all the voicemails I left you about the Franklin?"

"Every single one of them," Cassie answered, even though she only listened to about half of them.

"Good, you're all cut up then," Paris said, actually looking pleased with her.

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