⚡Y/n's Information⚡

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Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 16

Hair color: h/c

Hair length: h/l

Eye color: e/c

Favorite Food: f/f

Least favorite food: l/f/f

Likes: technology (phones, tablets, computers etc.), Food, Video games, dark areas, engineering

Cooperativeness level: 3/5

Kindness level: 3/5

Power level: 4.8/5


Quirk: Cyber


* A visible micro chip is behind your neck. After harnessing any sort of energy, you can hack into any device.

* You can also create holograms, which can be used to implement data (holographic screens that only you can touch), make shields, weapons, beams, carry things, and make copies of yourself and other people.

(You can choose any frame you want and color as well.)

* You can also teleport

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* You can also teleport

The higher your energy is, the powerful your quirk becomes.



* You'll know if your pushing your quirk if there are vein-like circuitry growing through your body (It comes from the microchip by the way). When that happens there is a 85.4% chance that your body will shut down on it's own if not careful.

With some good rest, food, and some medication it'll eventually disappear and you'll go back to normal.

* Being around extremely temperatures (hot or cold) can cause fatigue, making your quirk weaker.

*Carrying too many things or items heavier than 200 lbs. can cause your muscles to tense up very badly.

*The only way you can copy other people is by knowing their quirk, and their physical appearance in every detail. Once you have that data, it'll download into the microchip and into your brain. You can only do two people per day. Taking in too many will give you severe migrines. You obviously take medication for the headaches.

*You have to be around some sort of device in order to teleport. Your limit is 200 meters away from the closest device, or it won't work.

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