part three

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Mother is running around the manor ensuring that everything is right in preparation to attend the Blanchet families diner party. She bursts into my room as Alberta styles my curls. She barks more orders about how I must look. Father follows behind her “dear, calm yourself.” he utters to her with a stressed expression. She lets out a deep sigh and quickly walks out of the room. Father gives both Alberta and I a sympathetic look before following her once more. My father is a quiet man with a kind heart, while he is far too busy running our family’s corporation for me to see much of him, I've never seen a dark or angry side to him. He's always been so contrasting to mother that it's hard to believe their love is so pure. I suppose mother wishes for me to find a man like she did, marry into more riches and have a beautiful home with other people raising my children. These are the things I think about whilst Alberta clasps a corset around my bodice and pulls the strings so tight I must breathe in long shallow breaths so as not to make myself faint. Once I am properly dressed, My mother heards the family into the carriage like cattle. Charlie and I are squished into the same cushioned bench. I excitedly await our arrival to the home of the Blanchet family. I truly hope that the gown I'm wearing will apese Daniella and her fashion tastes. I have been put into an ornate cream colored dress with accents the same shade of green as the trees lining our property. The white silk shawl that hangs off of my arms does nothing to warm me in this early spring evening's air.

We arrive and are led through to the dining hall where a butler announces our new presence in the room “Monsieur et Madame Taylor, Monsieur Taylor, et Mademoiselle Taylor” he gestures to us and we enter the room. Daniella jumps up and comes up to me and kisses both my cheeks, I do the same. Through our letters I learned that this is “la bise”, a common french greeting. While I know that this greeting is purely platonic in her culture I can't help but find myself focusing on her soft lips connecting with my skin. While My family introduces themselves to hers, I find myself amazed by her gown once more. The thin cotton fabrics catch the light in such a way to make her white gown appear as if it is glowing, that in accompaniment with the gold flowers lining the garment and matching golden accents makes her look angelic. Small white flowers are delicately stuck into her dark hair and the puffed sleeves with her pearl jewelry draws me into her elegance. She sits me right next to her in a spot as far away from both of our families as possible. Somehow in a room full of people we are alone. There is something about the way that she seems to hide me away shows that she as well knows that we are doing something wrong. About half of the room speaks in mostly french, I am led to believe that most of the attendees are family to the Blanchet family due to the striking resemblance that the majority of the room shares. I had no idea that so many of Daniella's relatives were in england.

Just after the first course is served but before anybody dares to touch their unteniels the man I believe to be Daniella's uncle stands to give a toast. Champagne is passed around in beautiful glasses. The middle aged man begins in french before he is elbowed by his wife “Pardon” he says before clearing his throat. “A toast to my niece, who is more of a daughter than anything, happy birthday my sweet Daniella” he speaks through his thick accent. I look over to Daniella “I didn't know it was your birthday.” I whisper. She looks confused but laughs it off “It was in the letter I sent to your mother but I suppose she didn't tell you.” I nod. We all take a sip of our champagne before we begin eating. I notice that across the long table Mother seems to be getting along quite well with Daniella's “mere”. It brings me joy to know that from this evening on our families are likely going to be good friends for a long time.

Later after dinner everyone crowds around the grand piano to hear Daniella's little cousin perform a song. Her and I take this opportunity to sneak off and hide away from the rest. Her and I made our way to the garden, I sense she enjoys being outdoors. She takes me by the hand and pulls me behind the hedges upon the far end of the garden. We sit in the grass behind everything, I know that mother would be furious if she knew I dared to sit on the ground. “Daniella, why did you take me out here?” I inquired. She points at the sunset that falls behind the cliff that marks the end of her property. “That's why. I wanted to be here to share this moment with you, ma cherie.” She speaks quietly as she slowly inches closer to me. My eyes lock with hers “Why do you call me that? Ma cherie?” I ask, nearly whispering.

“It means my dear.”

“Oh really? So am I that special to you?”

She blushes and giggles. I like that when it's just us like this she giggles freely, no strict social rules enforcing us to stay proper. With someone like William I would never be able to feel so free. Moments like this I wish I had been born a man so that I could have Daniella in the ways I wish to have her. But alas, I must settle with what I’ve got. I can't find myself greedy for that would hurt the both of us.

I feel something brush against my fingers when I feel her hand in mine, I don't dare to break my gaze with the sunset. In that moment the whole world goes silent and all I hear is her shallow breathing in unison with mine.

The Lady In Blue Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang