the never's ball and the end

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I was in my dorm getting ready for the never's ball i was rather excited to go to the nevers ball Especially with hort

When i was done i went to the never's ball i saw everyone dance i then saw hort i smiled and he gasped as he saw me

"You look great!"

"Thank you"

"May i have this dance?"

Hort said bowing i smirked

"Yes you may"

We then started to dnace with the rest then i saw sophie she looked so different like a witch

"My dear nevers!"

Everyone stopped dancing and faced Sophie

"We have guests"

The evers shouted

"How should we greet them?"

"We'll kill them!"

Shouted hort  the nevers cheered

"Just leave them alone!sophie please they were just scared you were going to attack them"

"Now why would we ever do that?that would be such an evil thing to do"

She then grabbed Agatha eith her magic

"Let's show them how good we really are let's dance"

Then the ever's came in shouting then sophie put flames over all of us

"Say hello to our guests here's some party favors boys"


"Tedros it's a trick!"

"Kill the witch!"


They then fire at sophie but all the arrow's turned to flowers"

"Well now if evil attack and good defends,then it would appear that good has become evil and evil has become good oh so good"

Then our outfits turned white everyone laughed i looked down and saw that my outfit was white

Then sophie turned the evers into evil giving us chance to attack them everyone started to attack so did i punched a guy

(I'm sorry but the fighting her just made me angry for some reason)

I then saw hort and Zagreus fight makibg me confused but hort accidentally hit Tedros but he didn't care he just continued fighting Zagreus

I then saw someone try to attack me i turned to the person and punched him in the face making him fall to the ground i then saw sophie turn into  raven and fly away i ignored it and kept on fighting


I saw the school start to collapse i felt fear shot threw me i then saw hort run over to me

"Y/n before we die i have to tell you something!"

"What is it?"

"I love you!i love you for years!"

"I love you to i realized that only when i came here!"

I then kissed hort he kissed me back

Then the school built itself together again i separted from the kiss i looked at hort and he looked at me

"We are alive!"

We then kissed again then hort separated from the kiss

"Wait do you really love me?"

Asked hort

"Yes of course i love you!"

Then someone tapped my shoulder i looked at the person and saw Zagreus

"So you love hort?"

"Yes and i was to stupid not realizing that my love is right here"

He nodded and walked away

"So what do we tell your father when we get back"

"Well if he can't accept us then screw him"

I smiled and kissed him who said nevers could never have happy ever after

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