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Your pov

I was sitting on a bench next to hort i then heard the reader sit next to hort i groaned

"Hey me again my father tells me not talk to readers he says they're bad luck you've probably read about my father captain hook?he's got a pretty awesome ship do you want a bite?it's nice and putrid"

I felt like pucking so did the reader then the horns blowed maiing everyone sit down

"Welcome,first-year students!i am proffessor dovey"

I then heard hort scratch his teeth making me grab his hand and throw it away to make him stop

"I am professor dovey,dean of the school for good"

Then the ever's started to cheer making me groan these princesses believed that the man has to save them but all i believe is that you have to save yourself and not to trust a man

"And i'm lady lesso dean of the school for Evil"

Then the never's cheered to the ever's to kill themselves

"There's no boys in the school for good?"

"Ugh,there's plenty and get ready to be nauseous"

"As per tradition the winning school from last year us again imagine that!will now grace us all with a display of their chivalrous talents"

I groaned


Then incame the princes the princesses started to cheer but the nevers booed they have to much bone not enough muscles

"What a bunch of losers"

"Oh my"

They then did some moves that were pretty pathetic they then posed i shook my head

They then got out roses and threw them to the the princesses then there was a whistle i groaned


I said venom in my voice

"If you boys are finished with dance class,maybe you'd like to have a real fight"

"Oh no"

"What do you say?"

He then came down with a rope


"It's Tedros!"

Screamed a girl

"His dad was king so of course he has to have his own stupid entrance"

They then started to 'fight'

"I don't know what the big deal about owning a round table is anyway"

"His father was king Arthur?"



They continued fighting they then all were on the floor

"Nice work fellas"

"Let's see how you do in a real fight,pretty boy prepare to die"

Then a Cyclops came down the benches the nevers cheered

"Get him!get him!"

He then grabbed a werewolf's weapon they then started to fight and cam guess who won

It was Tedros obviously the good always wins which is unfair

"Bravo!Bravo!a heroic display"

Tedros then wanted to threw his rose but it seems he was looking at the reader and he accidentally threw it to another girl

I rolled my eyes i know what will happen anyway he will fall inlove with the reader but realize that she is not the one and he falls in love with the girl

"In these two schools,we will take away any confusion and make your souls as pure as possible pure good"

"Or pure evil"

"Future heroes and villians,you have been chosen to protect and maintain the balance between good and evil for if that balance is ever compromised-"

"I don't think we need to get into that just now with our new friends,do we?it's such a happy first say let's not be downers,hmm?besides i'm sure this new class will perform exceptionally well and like your parents before you you are all here because the world of story needs great heroes and villians to teach the people of the outside world to make choices to find their way so obey the rules study hard,and remember the storian only chooses the very best of our students for thier own adventure"

"But what if we've been dropped in the wrong school?"

"Or there's been a mistake and we need to go home immediately?"

"There are no mistakes in the school for good and evil,so...have a nice semester"

He then walked away leaving us there

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