Flash back part 3 / The love confession

Start from the beginning

"Thanks nurse joy." Ash thanks while leaving the place.

Ash starts walking in a park when he notices someone familiar sitting on a bench with a Gen gar on her side giggling and laughing while gengar shows her sone funny faces.

"hmmmm...." ash releases his gengar.

"listen gengar go and make her laugh some more and let's see who wins him or you and don't you dare pull any prank on anyone or attack anyone." Says ash while adding seriousness on the last part.

Gengar goes to the laughing girl and starts showing his funny faces which eventually brought two Gengars in a competition.

"Ok ok that's enough. So newcomer who is your trainer." Says the girl.

"that would be me." Ash says while reaching toward her.

"Now you have a gengar officially huh..." the girl says.

" Yeah and I see you evolved this guy and he have a mega stone that means you two have a great bond." Says ash.

"We both mastered this because of some boy with raven hair who wears a cap." Says the girl.

"Glad to know that you are now doing fine sabrina." Says ash.

"Hey ash will you please come to the gym today I have something to discuss." Asks sabrina with hesitation .

"I will but I need to get my charizard and pikachu I left them in the pokemon center for checkup." Says ash.

" Ok I will wait for you." Sabrina says.

"Now I will go and get them so please wait around 15 minute." Says ash.

" Ok but please arrive soon." Says sabrina while leaving the park but before that she planted a kiss on ash's cheek.

Ash reaches to the pokemon center with a blushing red face.

"Oh hey you are back your pokemons are back in full health but are you ok you seems red." Says nurse joy in confusion.

"I am fine and thanks I have to go to the gym to meet sabrina." Says ash while taking his pokeball and pikachu who jumps on his shoulder.

After sometime ash reaches to the psychic gym. Sabrina who was waiting for him eagerly greets him warmly.

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