Six Mysterious Places That Defy The Laws Of Physics

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Our world is a strange and mysterious place. Often times, new discoveries are made that help to demonstrate the truly anomalous properties of our universe and the vast world of the unknown. In this section, we have gathered information regarding the most anomalous locations on Earth that have baffled researchers since their discovery. Here are six mysterious places on Earth that seem to defy the laws of physics.

Number 1: The Petrifying Lake Natron

Lake Natron, located in the Arusha region of Northern Tanzania. is a natural wonder of the world that seems better suited as being the background landscape for a horror movie than real life. Due to the lake's low depth and incredibly rich mineral deposits, strange Cyanobacteria fills the lake creating a peculiar red hue during its photosynthetic processes that makes the thick waters of the lake similar in look and texture to that of coagulated blood. Interestingly enough, because of these rich mineral deposits and strange red bacteria, it has been found that any animals that enter the region are almost immediately petrified and turned to stone, seemingly untouched by time.

Skeletons of a variety of birds can be seen floating across the shallow tops of the lake and larger animals including wildebeests and larger falcons have been turned to statues in the areas nearby via this petrification process. These findings create an unbelievably surreal environment that swallows the area in what can only be described as a nightmarish design. The cause for this petrification process is still widely unknown and research into the region has been halted due to preservation efforts to the local environment. This could mean that not only is the lake mysterious in its appearance and abilities but that the mechanisms for such an odd discovery may be completely unknowable and possibly fringing on the supernatural aspects of animals being frozen in time. Similar to the Greek mythologies of Medusa, the landscape is littered with these petrified remains of creatures all throughout the area.

Number 2: Death Valley And The Sailing Rocks

Also known as the "sliding rocks", "walking rocks", :rolling stones" and "moving rocks", the Death Valley Sailing Stones are a strange phenomenon recorded nowhere else on Earth. It appears that at different times of the day, the rocks will begin to move and inscribe long tracks along the smooth valley floor without any human or animal intervention. There are many different hypotheses of explanations that may be causing the movement of the stones however, the trail of lines help to provide an insight. At times, these lines can move straight for long distances, turn around completely or turn at 90 degree angles. Many researchers believe that the movement of the rocks could be caused by a balance of very specific conditions that naturally form that allow the rocks to slowly glide by using the frozen sheets of ice beneath them and the perfect wind conditions the Valley creates against the stones.

Oddly enough, no definitive proof for the movement of the stones exists as there are no recordings or direct monitorings of the rocks as they are moving. This has led some to believe that perhaps there is another mechanism at play for the movement of these stones contributing to the idea of Ley Lines and strange electromagnetic properties seen at specific points around the world. This theory might actually prove to be legitimate as research has found that volcanic rock can display electromagnetic properties as seen in other areas around the world and research into the event has proven that the rocks were not moved via any mechanisms of buoyancy regarding 2014 data and research into the matter.

Number 3: South Korea, The Jeju Island

Seen by many as a strange gravity well, The South Korean Jeju Island has strange slopes and mountains that actually pull you upward instead of down. Many tourists visiting the location can test out the strange phenomenon for themselves as parking your car on the slopes and then setting the vehicle in neutral will show it beginning to slowly roll uphill. Many people had assumed that perhaps the area was cursed or that a strange anomalous property of gravity was involved, but the truth turned out to be much stranger. When researchers laid out leveling equipment and began to reorient themselves as to what could have been causing this phenomenon, they realized that the strange occurrence was more than just an optical illusion.

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