Chapter 1

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980 A.D.

"There has always been a saying, "Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.""

During the first full moon of the new year, you can hear a woman screaming in pain as her husband paces outside of the room with his two other sons. His wife went into labor a day before this night; he looked up to the sky, praying to the gods for the safety of his wife and fourth child. His eldest son sits, trying to calm his younger brother down while he shakes, fearing that his mother and new sibling won't pull through. The wife screams for her husband, who goes sprinting into the room, where she reaches out to him.

"Mikael, please, the babe and I need help. Find the man with long platinum hair; he can help us. Please, I beg of you." The wife pleads

Mikael hesitates for a second before running out of their home and begins to order his men to help him find this person who could help his wife and child. They spread out, searching long and far till they reach the border of their territory shared with the men and women who change under the moon. Mikael dredges past their boundaries into unknown territory, hoping they will find this person in time. As they walked a few passes, they heard the whistle of an arrow fly past Mikael's ear, clearly meant to be a warning shot. They look up to see a man standing on a branch of a great willow tree, his platinum hair shining in the moonlight. His grey-blue eyes are cold and calculating as he has another notched arrow ready to fire again.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" The man demands, his voice piercing through the crisp air. His presence is suffocating and dense, surrounding everything within his range. Mikael and his men's mouths dry as if they are choking; they feel weak to the knees as if they are meant to bow to this mysterious man. "Well? I do not have all the time in the world for whimpering and sputtering creatures like you. Speak now." The man's cold tone sends shivers down their spines; they feel exposed and disturbed as if one of them moves the slightest inch, this predator will eradicate them from existence.

Mikael gains the courage to look the man in the eyes before swallowing, "My wife is in labor with my fourth child as we speak; she and the babe are struggling. She pleaded with me to seek you out because you could help them. I beg of you to help my child and wife."

The man hums, "Why should I help you? What do you have to offer me?"

Mikael's eyes widened at the man's questions; he could feel a bead of sweat drip down his neck. He stalls briefly before speaking again, "I have nothing to offer you. But I will give you anything you want, anything you ask for, it is yours. I give you my word in front of my men, and as a sign of my promise to you, I will swear to the gods."

The man hums again, "Your word, you say, how particular. Careful now, Mikael, if you give me your word with your swear and betray me, I will not take it kindly. Be very careful now, for once you make this swear, there will come a time when I will collect on the debt that is due. If you try and be sly with me, I will show a world full of pain and misery. After all, it would be a shame if your sons Finn and Elijah had to grow up without a father."

Mikael stiffens as he hears his and his children's names, wondering how the man knew of it and if he genuinely wants to go through with his word. The man is unknown and dangerous; Mikael can feel within his bones. This is no man, no, for this is a monster in human skin that is willing to kill for entertainment. He can sense it, the darkness within those cold eyes. He remembers why Esther sent him out here in the first place; he closes his eyes. "Yes, I give you my word. I won't betray you, and I will swear to the Gods."

Suddenly, they hear a chilling laughter breaking through the tense atmosphere, "How particular, a man pleading with a stranger to help his wife and child. Her name is Esther, correct? Hurry back to your wife and family, Mikael; I shall be there soon."

The man disappeared from their sight within a blink, leaving them to search the surroundings for a hint of where the man might be. Mikael was still stunned by the mysterious man who knew of his family. He huffed before turning on his heel and ordering his men back to their village to be with their families tonight. He feels a shiver run down his spine as if a foreboding that he had a debt with Loki reincarnated. He didn't know what was to come, but he had a feeling that whatever he did, it would be horrific, and the debt would be paid in blood one way or another.

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