chapter three

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Eragon was sitting on Saphira as she flew deep in thought about what had happened and thought back to the conversation he had with Gleadr and Saphira. But after it they had agreed it made sense to go back to the boat before continuing on to warn Blodhgarm. But Eragon was still confused about the person because he was able to sneak in silently and was strong enough to shove a large piece of furniture at him and run away after it. 

"Gleadr do you think there might be another race out here" Eragon waited as he was silent for a moment before speaking. "It is possible" he said slowly letting the words roll in his head, Eragon waited a moment considering the true possibility of it. "Do you think we should tell all the elves about it or just Blodhgarm" he waited as both Gleadr and Saphira thought about it. 

"For now it might be best that we only tell Blodhgarm till we now more about it." Eragon agreed with Gleadr before he retreated back into his mind, as Eragon's thoughts began to wonder. He soon thought of Valdr and wondered if he knew anything that they didn't. He closed his eyes and drifted out his conscience, melding with Saphira and spreading out to Gleadr as he melded back with him as he spread out his conscience. He then slowly felt out for Valdr when he felt him Eragon was taken aback from the size of his conscience and mind. 

But never the less he continued and they slowly became one all sharing bits and pieces of them self's with each other. But then he felt something and realized that Valdr was more awake and then he saw it. He saw that Taltita was beached and there were wholes in it and the elves were hiding inside and behind the ship. Before he opened his eye's and looked around bewildered and still stunned before brushing it off as he shook his head.

He was still confused and trying to understand what he saw before he remembered what he saw. He pooled is power and sent it into Saphira who started flying faster and faster when Gleadr lent his strength as well. With them both lending their strength they made good time and before Eragon knew it they were upon Taltita. They landed and Eragon hopped of Saphira and drew Brisingr and started scanning around he slowly circled the ship. Not finding anyone he walked back to Saphira and climbed on her back and held onto her neck spikes as she rose in the air and landed on deck.

Eragon went into the main cabin and came face first with a sword, as Brisingr leaped up and parried the sword away and Eragon leaped back. And was about to press his assult but then someone said "Argetlman" Eragon looked in and saw that it was a elf. He slowly stepped in and said "where is Blodhgarm" the elf looked at him before saying "in the hold follow me." Before he turned around and walked to the back of the cabin and knelt down and pulled up a trapdoor on the ground.

The elf backed into and dropped down through it and Eragon followed them down through it and was surrounded by elves. Eragon looked around at them before nodding and following the other elf, he soon saw Blodhgarm lying down on a table. Eragon rushed torwards him stopping a few feet away from him "Blodhgarm what happened?" Blodhgarm turned his head and looked at him " nice to see you Argetlman and for what happened"  "cough cough." 

"Well as you can see I got hit when we were attacked," "what attacked" Blodhgarm looked at Eragon for a moment then tot he elf that brought him. "Have someone brief Argetlman on what happened" the elf nodded and asked Eragon to follow him. He brought him to another group of elves that then told him what happened, "when we were sailing we came upon a fire that was blazing. That we could see far out and we slowed down to get a picture of what the fire was or what was going on."

"We had come to a stop and everyone was on the top deck of the ship most on the prow then we heared a loud boom. And then the ship is hit by something that goes tearing through and nocks over people and sends out shrapnel at the people close to it. Blodhgarm gets everyone together and was getting the ship moving till he falls down on the deck bleeding from the chest. We manage to get him inside the cabin but weren't able to heal him with magic, after we got away. We had to put him on a table and remove the object that was lodged inside his chest that turned out to be a small lead ball." 

And Eragon watched as the elf pulled out a small lead ball and put it down on the table. Eragon picked it up and rolled it around in his head sensing for anything in or on it. "This doesn't seem to be anything other then a lead ball" the elf nodded and said "yes Argetlman it does appear to be normal. And seem like no magic was used in it or was it enchanted" Eragon nodded and thought about it for a moment then looked at the elves around him.

"There is something else" the elves looked at him before Eragon continued "while I was out there was someone else. That was likely trying to kill me" the elves looked at him in bewilderment Eragon held up his hand and continued. "He was standing over me with a sword and was able to block heavy blows from Brisingr and then throw furniture at me and flea into the night faster then any regular person should've been able to. Even an elf" 

Eragon left them at the table to discuss what he told them and went up to the deck and pulled of Saphira's saddle before he went to get more elves. "Has the damage been repaired" the elf turned to him "yes Argetlman the damage has been fixed." Eragon nodded and then looked around before saying "lets shove off then." The elf nodded and called for some other elves to help them, Eragon pushed his shoulder against it and started straining trying to push it. The other elves took up different position's along the ship and started trying to move it. 

"Saphira if you helped it would be nice" Eragon said as they tried to move Taltita. He could feel her snort at him before stretching and taking of from the deck and swinging back a round. Eragon watched as she grabbed the main mast and started flapping her wings harder and harder. Eragon felt as the ship began move backwards and move easier he could feel the sand shifting under his boots as he pushed. And before he could believe they had shoved Taltita into the water and were climbing up onto the deck. 

Eragon watched as the elves started walking around he watched them make the ship ready and other walk below deck. Eragon looked around before looking up and had a idea, "this was not my best idea" he said to Saphira. As he settled on top of the main mast and tried to maintain his balance while he tried to feel out to the water. After being up there for a little while he opened his eye's and stood up to his feet as he bent his legs and braced himself before.

He jumped from the main mast to the next one and landed on the arches of his feet as he tried to keep his balance. He then turned and hopped to the other side of the mast and jumped back towards the main mast but went under it. Then he heared the elves shout at him and Saphira roar and took off torwards him, before he grabbed one of the ropes from the other mast and swung on it till it flung him into the air. And he flipped over himself before he straightened and dove into the water before coming back up and tread water at the surface. 

Before Saphira dove down and picked him up from the water before dropping him on the deck hard and landing next to him. And started snarling at him, Eragon laughed and asked "what's wrong Saphira" and before he could think he got smacked by a tail to the face and nocking him back onto the deck. "what were you thinking" Eragon looked at her before saying "that I needed to work on my balance ." Eragon watched as she fumed and looked as if she was about to light him on fire, but before anything else happened Eragon said. "Besides I knew you would catch me" as he patted her leg 

She snarled again but seemed to have calmed down a little bit, if there's anything she cares for more then me its her honor and dignity of being the best creature in this world. And I am she said to him through there link Eragon laughed to himself before patting her leg again and standing up. He looked to the horizen as the sun was lowering it's self in the sky before he walked torwards his cabin. But what he did nit know that he was going to awakened in the night by a bang and the smell of burning. 

I'm going to start naming the chapter's by numbers 

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