Chapter Three: The Secret Code

Start from the beginning

Nanny Carol surreptitiously separated the lunchbox from the rest.

"Oh, you did?" The forty-five-year-old said, gently running her hand through the little girl's freshly done french braids. "Did he believe you?"

She pouted as she shook her head. "He said it was too far to see but I saw the blue dress and I knew it was you. You're the only one here who likes blue as much as I do."

Oh baby, but I only like blue because YOU like it, Nanny Carol thought.

The Captain's words echoed through her head. "Make her your best friend."

Once she had collected all the lunch packs for Class 2, Nanny Carol wheeled the trolley through the hallway and into the high-tech modern kitchen. She sneakily looked in the direction of the cameras as she entered and confirmed that Big Brother was watching as usual. She placed Mapalo's pack on a thick blue tray on the counter - the colours blending perfectly.

She placed the rest of the packs in the fridge.

Heaving a sigh of relief, she closed the fridge after neatly organizing the well-labelled lunch boxes. Finally, she turned her attention to Mapalo's pack. She opened the box to reveal a delicious-looking cheesecake. She gently pulled the top layer of the box out and placed it on the other side of the tray.

Just then, another member of the housekeeping team walked in and came to stand next to her. "The usual routine, huh?" The apron-clad woman by the name of Sandra remarked.

Nanny Carol chuckled as she lifted the lid off of the three-portioned bottom tier that contained some macaroni and cheese, avocado, and some egg toast.

"The kid knows how she likes her cheesecake. Don't judge Sandra," Nanny Carol laughed. She placed the lid on the cheesecake box and placed it in the freezer.

"These rich people amaze me," Sandra said. "The school has one of THE best cafeterias in the world yet they insist on packing food for their minions. See, all of this is served in the cafeteria," she pointed at the food.

Nanny Carol covered the rest of the food and placed it in the fridge. "How else are you going to know they have chefs at home who cater to the special, very specific tastes of their spoiled children?" She tore off a piece of paper towel and methodically placed it where the lunchbox had been. She pressed her hands down on it gently as if to soak the moisture or any liquids off the tray.

"You always do this," Sandra said, watching Nanny Carol carefully fold the towel and place it in the plastic bag containing other folded towels she had accumulated that week.

"What, you want me to just squash them and throw them away?" Nanny Carol asked. "These little things have saved me. To these people, it's just used paper but to me, it's one less roll of tissue I have to buy for my family of twenty! It's not even dirty!"

"I forgot about the in-laws."


They both laughed.

Nanny Carol removed the plastic bag from the hook and brought it to her chest like it was a special treasure. "I'll put these in my bag in the dressing room and join you on the other side."

Sandra patted her colleague on the shoulder and they walked out together.

Fortunately for Nanny Carol, the housekeeper's locker room was unoccupied. She picked out the paper towel on top, placed the rest in her handbag and walked into one of the stalls. Upon locking the door, she unfolded the paper and held it against the light on the side of the mirror.

The words 'LAUNCH OTIF' glowed in blue against the light.

Her pulse quickened and her eyes radiated with wild fear. It took a moment for her to snap back to her senses. She squashed the piece of paper and flashed it in the toilet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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